No problem!
A CC is a Control Change message which is part of the midi protocol. Just like when you press a note on a midi keyboard it will send a midi note message like "note-on 36 at velocity 127" to trigger a note in a VST at middle C at full velocity, a control change or CC is a midi message sent usually from a knob, slider or button - although you can send CC messages from a keyboard key or a DAW too!
There are 127 different CC's that can be used to send messages to and from midi gear and often synthesizers will be programmed to respond to a selection of these - for changing the volume or filter ect...
If you are using a DAW or a midi controller then these can be set to send these messages to your minibrute.
The minibrute recieves midi data on midi channel 1 by default so you would need to send a CC message to it using this channel. The CC number you need is 105 and its value set higher than 64.
Are you using a DAW to record the minibrute? If so which one? Do you have a midi keyboard?
Let me know, hope this helps a bit, I might be able to help more if not.
Good luck!
PS. I believe you can do this just using the software editor aswell without needing a DAW. I'm not certain but it should be a setting under the sequencer options - sequencer play mode I think. This should be set to hold.