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Author Topic: Where were my V Collection instruments downloaded?  (Read 37769 times)


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Where were my V Collection instruments downloaded?
« on: December 29, 2014, 03:47:37 am »
This is not a specifically Solina issue, but it seems as good a place to post this as any other.

I've just 'downloaded' V Collection 4, but with the exception of Analog Lab, I cannot find any of the new instruments (Solina, Matrix-12, Vox Continental), or any of the updated versions, either as standalone or plugin.

Several gigabites have disappeared from my hard disk drive, which suggests that all instruments were downloaded somewhere, god knows where—I've searched all over my HD—onto my hard disk drive.

Analog Lab was the only instrument ASC recognised as being up to date.  I've since downloaded Matrix-12 V from the update page.

What has happened to all the other instruments?

I'm not really all that keen on downloading each instrument again separately and sacrificing 3GB of HD space, not to mention the potentially wasted internet bandwidth.

I'm on a Mac.  Anyone have any ideas where all this stuff might have gone?


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Re: Where were my V Collection instruments downloaded?
« Reply #1 on: December 29, 2014, 04:05:31 am »
Just an update.

I decided to restart my computer to see if that might make the missing instruments 'appear'.

No luck with the instruments, but I did get back 4GB of HD space.

But that means I will have to redownload everything else again.  I most definitely won't be using Arturia's Welcome App V Collection 4 installer to download anything though.

Very painful experience.


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Re: Where were my V Collection instruments downloaded?
« Reply #2 on: December 30, 2014, 06:19:19 pm »
Do you have a default download directory?

Under Wine-doze they default to the user>download directory.
This post may or may not contain errors of an indeterminate nature.
Arturia Synths: Modular V. ARP 2600V, CS 80V, Prophet V. Mini V, Jupiter 8V, Spark VDM, Analogue Lab, Analogue Laboratory
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Re: Where were my V Collection instruments downloaded?
« Reply #3 on: December 31, 2014, 01:56:25 am »
According to Victor at Arturia the files should have been deposited into my default Downloads folder.

The only files I found there were packages of an older version of ARP 2600 V, which I'd downloaded a couple of weeks earlier and the ASC app.  Both were zero KB size files.

As I mentioned in my second post I restarted my computer, and after reopening, 4GB had disappeared from my HD, so it's possible that they were stored in my Downloads folder, but only temporarily.

I was expecting the standalones to be downloaded into my Arturia folder inside my Applications folder and the plugins to be downloaded into my Components and VST folders.  Which is what happened with Analog Lab, the only instrument that was successfully downloaded.

Anyway, I've started to download each instrument separately from Arturia's update page.  A bit annoying and time consuming, but something that I have complete control of and has been 100% successful.


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Re: Where were my V Collection instruments downloaded?
« Reply #4 on: January 02, 2015, 04:50:56 pm »
According to Victor at Arturia the files should have been deposited into my default Downloads folder.

The only files I found there were packages of an older version of ARP 2600 V, which I'd downloaded a couple of weeks earlier and the ASC app.  Both were zero KB size files.

As I mentioned in my second post I restarted my computer, and after reopening, 4GB had disappeared from my HD, so it's possible that they were stored in my Downloads folder, but only temporarily.

I was expecting the standalones to be downloaded into my Arturia folder inside my Applications folder and the plugins to be downloaded into my Components and VST folders.  Which is what happened with Analog Lab, the only instrument that was successfully downloaded.

Anyway, I've started to download each instrument separately from Arturia's update page.  A bit annoying and time consuming, but something that I have complete control of and has been 100% successful.
On my Mac system the downloads went directly into my Downloads folder in the Dock and stayed there. When I had the ASC open and when all downloads were done I clicked on install in each ASC entry and the relevant synths were installed. But the downloads stayed in my Download folder. There's no way they would have automatically disappeared from your Downloads folder on their own on computer restart.

The downloads were/are zipped files and only would have installed after either manually installing them or doing the deed with ASC open. It only becomes plugins AFTER unzipping/installing.

There's no way the downloads would go directly into your Arturia folder as they were only downloads and not automatically installed.

iMac running both OSX 10.8.5 and OSX 10.9.5
MacPro 2012 cheesgrater
OSX 10.13.6
3.46 GHz hex core cpu
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Re: Where were my V Collection instruments downloaded?
« Reply #5 on: January 03, 2015, 01:46:14 am »
Here's the latest reply I got from Victor:

"Hi Michael,

I think the problem here was that an update was released shortly after you originally downloaded and installed the synths via the Welcome App, thus leaving your initial installation kind of useless.

Sorry for that... The installation are indeed temporary and removed after installation."


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Re: Where were my V Collection instruments downloaded?
« Reply #6 on: January 03, 2015, 12:50:35 pm »
Here's the latest reply I got from Victor:

"Hi Michael,

I think the problem here was that an update was released shortly after you originally downloaded and installed the synths via the Welcome App, thus leaving your initial installation kind of useless.

Sorry for that... The installation are indeed temporary and removed after installation."
This sounds strange. When I downloaded and installed the synths the downloads were still in my Download folder.
MacPro 2012 cheesgrater
OSX 10.13.6
3.46 GHz hex core cpu
48 gig ram


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Re: Where were my V Collection instruments downloaded?
« Reply #7 on: July 31, 2015, 11:18:22 am »
In case you're still looking, the *.pkg installers on mine went into /private/var/folders/01/longstringofletterandnumbers/T (there's generally only one or two folders in /private/var/folders/01 so it's easy to spot. It's basically a temporary storage location that Apple recommends developers use instead of /Library/Caches. Safari dumps a lot of stuff in there as well.

The system should clear out any files in there that are more than 3 days old.
« Last Edit: July 31, 2015, 11:30:48 am by slowwobble »


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Re: Where were my V Collection instruments downloaded?
« Reply #8 on: August 18, 2017, 08:57:41 am »
In case there are any Windows 10 users wondering about this, files are downloaded to C:\Users\<Username>\AppData\Local\Temp. Being on a slow Internet connection, I saved copies of these files to avoid having to re-download should problems arise. It remains to be seen, however, whether the V Collection installer will use these files. It's also not certain whether the apps can be installed individually, and match up to the V Collection license.

ben arturia

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Re: Where were my V Collection instruments downloaded?
« Reply #9 on: August 18, 2017, 02:31:31 pm »
Hi all,
You can change the default download folder in the Arturia Software Center preferences panel.
You can also choose to keep or not the downloaded installer.
You can install individually each soft of the VC5 with no problem.
« Last Edit: August 18, 2017, 02:41:46 pm by ben arturia »


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