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Author Topic: tune/scale trim pots - minibrute tuning octaves too high and erratic  (Read 3311 times)


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First post so be gentle,

I tried to sequence the Minibrute via cv, but the tuning/tracking was way off (turns out it was the sequencer, not the Minibrute), so I located the offset/tune pots on the back of the Minibrute and attempted to tune, thus putting the Minibrute out of tune.

After a lot of turning and trial and error I got the Minibrute back in tune but its playing way too high. I’ve clearly messed up somewhere. The keyboard also now occasionally plays weird ghost notes and the general tuning is erratic. Also, now when turning the tune trim pot instead of a smooth adjustment it skips/jumps notes which cannot be correct.  I have a few old analogs which sometimes need similar trimming with a mini-screwdriver but they don’t do this erratic jumping when adjusting.

So, I opened up the synth (out of warranty anyway) to get a better look at the 2 trim pots as they were quite awkward to turn. The two trimmers are not mounted perpendicular to the holes, quite a poor soldering job actually and this is why they are difficult to get a good consistent turn.

So my question is, by excessively turning trying to tune, and because the two pots are not perpendicular have I damaged them? Would turning them way beyond their range trying to lower the tuning of the synth damage them, or have damaged other components? How do I get this thing back into a reasonable octave range. Unless I want to compose for chipmunks the synth is pretty useless as it is at the moment.

Any help much appreciated.


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Re: tune/scale trim pots - minibrute tuning octaves too high and erratic
« Reply #1 on: July 22, 2014, 02:27:33 am »
this is exactly the problem I have

:'( it stayed in tune for about 12 hrs...I have tuned it 5 times now and its back to the drunken osc 6 minutes after being in perfect tune....I bet the screw you touched was the one on the left if you are looking from the back....if I touch mine with a screwdriver it screams wildly jumping semitones....I bet there is a fault....what firmware update did they recommend ? It may see mine returned to something other than a $300.00 paper weight...

I've owned my Minibrute for about 2 months.  Recently I plugged it in and the tuning has been wildly erratic.  A 'C' note on the keyboard goes anywhere from a C# to a high E and fluctuates wildly. (I have, of course, allowed for around 15-30 minutes warm-up time, which I understand is more than what is needed.)  I've tried to register my Minibrute but I keep getting errors and I have gotten no response from my emails to technical support.  I really enjoy this synth and don't understand what could be wrong.

« Last Edit: July 22, 2014, 02:43:12 am by andyminibrute »


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