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Author Topic: Minibrute having severe tuning issues/no help from technical support  (Read 5527 times)


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I've owned my Minibrute for about 2 months.  Recently I plugged it in and the tuning has been wildly erratic.  A 'C' note on the keyboard goes anywhere from a C# to a high E and fluctuates wildly. (I have, of course, allowed for around 15-30 minutes warm-up time, which I understand is more than what is needed.)  I've tried to register my Minibrute but I keep getting errors and I have gotten no response from my emails to technical support.  I really enjoy this synth and don't understand what could be wrong.

Here's a video of the problem. Things get real crazy around the 1:00 mark.


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Re: Minibrute having severe tuning issues/no help from technical support
« Reply #1 on: April 04, 2013, 10:50:37 am »
Ho that crazy indeed! It should not behalves like that for sure. It could be due to a noisy VCO slope trimmer. You can try to turn the trimmer on the back, the one in the hole next to midi out connector. Try to turn it half a turn and set it back at the exact same position (be precise otherwise it will detune your synth).
Let me know if it helps. Otherwise you will have to have it exchanged for where you bought it, or contact our technical support.
Arturia Hardware


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Re: Minibrute having severe tuning issues/no help from technical support
« Reply #2 on: April 05, 2013, 09:27:15 pm »
Thanks I'll give that a try. Does it matter if I turn it clockwise or counterclockwise? Thanks.


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Re: Minibrute having severe tuning issues/no help from technical support
« Reply #3 on: April 11, 2013, 09:30:42 am »
no it doesn't matter
Arturia Hardware

A. Francis

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Re: Minibrute having severe tuning issues/no help from technical support
« Reply #4 on: April 19, 2013, 11:25:32 pm »
I am having the same exact issue.  Has anyone found a fix yet?  I have filled out a request for tech support.  The trimmer adjustment was unsuccessful.


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So after finally being able to register my Minibrute (my fault, I was entering the serial number incorrectly) and receiving the technote for the service manual, my local synth tweaker was able to properly tune the synth using the slope trimmer controls. 

It was his opinion that the synth was never tuned properly before leaving the factory, as it took quite a while to do using a frequency counter and a multimeter (but that's just one man's opinion).

Still quite curious that although it was out of tune, the unit couldn't stabilize on a note whatsoever but the problem appears to be remedied. 

I've taken down the youtube video as well.


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