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Author Topic: Analog Laboratory (License Transfer)  (Read 14670 times)


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Analog Laboratory (License Transfer)
« on: November 04, 2012, 09:33:58 pm »
Hope this is the right place to ask for support. I want to transfer my ANALOG LABORATORY license to another user

Sorry, but I dont want to make mistakes or doing something wrong. I installed the product on a macbook pro via e-licenser (the software, not the dongle). I ask you what to do before uninstalling it from my computer and be sure he can legally download it. What is the right process? Thank you and Kind Regards. ???


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Re: Analog Laboratory (License Transfer)
« Reply #1 on: November 07, 2012, 04:10:14 pm »
I just went through this last month.  Try e-mailing with your request.  In my case, I was selling both V Collection 3.   You'll be directed to: for directions.  Note though...  these directions tell you to transfer your licensed via an eLicenser dongle.  I had installed like you (software download- no dongle).  What worked for me -- was to contact David@Arturia.  He was able to de-register my products.  I then sent the license code that Arturia had emailed me - to the new buyer.  All  the while, copying both David, and the sales-inquiry email addresses.  I wasn't 100% certain things worked out - until the new owner was able to register. 

My advice -- is to contact both David, and the sales-inquiry folks.  Use the email/communication on this site along with your email.  The software download version of their products, still need to be documented a little better..  ???


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Re: Analog Laboratory (License Transfer)
« Reply #2 on: November 16, 2012, 10:58:52 am »
Holy mother..

I've selled my AE The Laboratory 49 and sent it to the buyer days ago, and I've e-mailed sales-inquiry. (I also had software e-licenser, not the dongle.)

Two days after my 'urgent' e-mail, this Jérome guy from the department responded saying "I sent your case to our technical department..."

Two days after that, Jerome decided to response himself, I guess, and lead me to my accounts page, in which there is nothing to assist me.

It seems being a world wide company and being a world-class company are two different concepts.

JDoo, would you please tell me how to contact David? I believe he is the one who can help me with my AE The Lab. issues.


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Re: Analog Laboratory (License Transfer)
« Reply #3 on: November 17, 2012, 07:05:53 am »
ok Kahnn,

I think Jerome sent you a reply, tell me if still a problem.

Let me know


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Re: Analog Laboratory (License Transfer)
« Reply #4 on: November 17, 2012, 08:58:54 am »
ok David,

Yes, Jerome was able to deregister my product at last. I don't see AE The Lab. at 'My Registered Products' in my account page at anymore, but it seems I can still operate and use the software at my Mac. Is this normal?

Since there is no return from the new owner whom I have already acknowledged about the deregistration, I don't know yet if the processs worked. Thus, I can't dare uninstallnig AE from my Mac.

One last think Jerome didn't respond clearly: Is it possible to resell an edu license (and the software)? Jerome mentioned it was possible if I put the license on a dongle and sell it that way. But I wanted to be sure, at which point he didn't respond.


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Re: Analog Laboratory (License Transfer)
« Reply #5 on: November 17, 2012, 03:20:07 pm »
Holy mother..

I've selled my AE The Laboratory 49 and sent it to the buyer days ago, and I've e-mailed sales-inquiry. (I also had software e-licenser, not the dongle.)

Two days after my 'urgent' e-mail, this Jérome guy from the department responded saying "I sent your case to our technical department..."

Two days after that, Jerome decided to response himself, I guess, and lead me to my accounts page, in which there is nothing to assist me.

It seems being a world wide company and being a world-class company are two different concepts.

JDoo, would you please tell me how to contact David? I believe he is the one who can help me with my AE The Lab. issues.

Hi Kahhn -

Looks like David has jumped in to help you here... so you should be set.  For the record, I have sold all my Arturia stuff, and rarely look at this forum any more, but happened to see this post.  Good luck with your sale. 


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Re: Analog Laboratory (License Transfer)
« Reply #6 on: November 19, 2012, 11:29:15 am »
Hi Kahhn,

In answer to your request,
1/ You should transfer your license on a virtual dongle and send it with the registration card to the new customer.
2/ Here is an article that explain how to remove a software:
3/ There is no problem to resell an edu license. This is primarily a license, after it's typed "edu".

Let me know


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