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Author Topic: How stable is the Origin?  (Read 17603 times)


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How stable is the Origin?
« on: April 04, 2014, 03:23:13 pm »
I am in the market for a virtual analog synthesizer and the Origin keyboard is (from what I have seen on YouTube) one of the canidates which I like soundwise as well as from its flexibility. However, some of the user comments in this forum give me the impression that the Origin has quality problems paired with a lack of support by the company.

Therefore my question: how reliable/stable is the origin? Who is using the Origin (keyboard) for years now without problems? Would you recommend to buy one or do you think it is too risky?


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Re: How stable is the Origin?
« Reply #1 on: April 04, 2014, 06:33:11 pm »
hy, i have been using the desktop unit since 5 years now and the problems i have with it are that the 8 assignable white knobs and the jogwheel do heavy parameterjumps since a few months. before that time this problem was just sometimes. and the display backlight dont work sometimes when i power up the origin but that is not very often. disregarding from that, origin is a great instrument. until now i have made over 1000 sounds and there is still so much to discover


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Re: How stable is the Origin?
« Reply #2 on: April 04, 2014, 06:50:25 pm »
Thanks for your swift answer. So another user who experienced hardware issues. I am starting to think that I should better not go for the Origin.


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Re: How stable is the Origin?
« Reply #3 on: April 04, 2014, 07:38:33 pm »

I have both Origin desktop and Kb. Sound is great and GUI is fantastic. Just listen to for example Paul Schilling's great Jarre or Kraftwerk soundsets to get an idea of its power and flexibility.

But about the downside: I'd say here only that before you make your final decision read the resent posts. These are real problems what we are having with our units. Arturia support is another story...


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Re: How stable is the Origin?
« Reply #4 on: April 24, 2014, 08:34:31 am »
I own an Arturia Origin and like it a lot. But the Software base some bugs like you can read here in many postings.
If Arturia would take care of the Origin it would be not a big problem for me, but they donīt.
I had have send many mails to Arturia and they just donīt answer. Symply as that. Never not!
IF you ask me if i would buy an Origina again, i say no!
It is on of the best Synthesizer i ha in my life, if not maybe the best.
But the last update for the Origin was in januar 2013.
Since then nothing. Silence. No Answer if you question them.
Even selling the Origin is not easy. What should i say about the Origin? I sell it because Arturia do not care about it?
No Spareparts, no support. Who will buy the Origin if he knows this things about it?

I will surly never buy a synth again from Arturia! N E V E R !!!!

cocomo joe

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Re: How stable is the Origin?
« Reply #5 on: May 14, 2014, 01:08:20 am »
Dear MR..Bean.

I would advise against the Origin..don't waiste a bundle on a clumsy made instument..don't do it!
read the board and  it's not so hard to see why,the synth has been abandoned..period.
Arturia obviously is far more interested in selling a zillion bruty thingies etc..
Don't forget this is a software company with a desire to also produce hardware instruments
and they don't do it very well..then there is virtually NO support..see all the posts about it.

I've seen it all before with my Korg big O..also abandoned with so much undeveloped potential left.
Although..the oasys for me and most owners is still going strong today after now many like a tank. the case of the oasys were talking 7000 euros abandoned investment..but i'm still happy with the beast.
In the case of the origin  it's 2400 euros for an already dumped instrument full of flaws that don't get addressed in any way.

It was Arturias first attempt to make something hardware,and basiccaly it was should never have hit the shelves.
Don't buy it..put your money elsewhere.



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Re: How stable is the Origin?
« Reply #6 on: May 14, 2014, 01:53:57 pm »
With reference to cocomo joe's posting above and the Dear Arturia, its' clear that many now have the impression that the Origin is an abandoned and unfinished product.

I'm usually very patient and optimistic about these things, especially with the Origin, one of the coolest synths ever, but even I am starting to wonder...

At this point I think it would be good if Arturia could make some kind of firm statement on the plan for version 1.5 with the ARP-2600 and CS-80 templates and the remaining bug fixes, bringing the unit up to the current specs. The current situation of holding all Origin owners in suspense for several years isn't doing any party any good.

So, dear Arturia, please let us know what will happen w.r.t. version 1.5!


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Re: How stable is the Origin?
« Reply #7 on: May 15, 2014, 01:36:43 am »
I am on this board since 2009 and we should know by now that the CS-80 template won't happening due to the computational restrains. I think that became obvious at some point. Regarding the ARP-2600 template, I would argue if that would make any sense to create a template for a semi modular synth. You can do that yourself by putting some modules together.

I don't know if there is anything to finish and I honestly doubt that Arturia is even thinking about this at the moment. If there are problems (they would be mainly with the keyboard) we should voice it and maybe Philippe is giving us a last effort. But I would not hold my breath for "new" things to come.

According to Philippe it looks like that Arturia invested a lot of time in the Origin project and that at least he would like to see this transformed onto a new hardware. Somehow I feel that Arturia was not thinking about repairs down the line and thus it looks like that we gut stuck with Arturias hardware and their service response to hardware problems: silence. That is the part that annoys me the most, since it is unheard of a company that is still alive and kicking to refuse service and warranty.

But let's just look at what Arturia gave us and for me, I did not have major problems with my Origin Desktop over the years. Yes, the big knob needs to be used, otherwise it moves in only one direction. That normally goes away after a couple of hours usage. A little more annoying are the encoders for the sequencer. I have one that went only in one direction and then, after leaving it alone for a while, it would do the ghost move. I fixed that by heating up the encoder with a hair dryer and by some movements. Surprisingly, that seemed to have fixed the problem for a while now. Other than that, my unit is pretty solid.

Now, should you buy an Origin at this point? I don't see why not. Tread it like a hardware synth that doesn't receive any more updates and be happy with what you have. And there is plenty to be happy about. I would not buy if you expect Arturia treating the Origin as a current product with software updates and any other service. Somehow they abandoned their baby. That is actually funny since Arturia never understood why people pay $3k for a Virus and not an Origin. Maybe it is that any Virus got updates long after they were taken off the market while Arturia is stopping updates while their product is still on the market!!

cocomo joe

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Re: How stable is the Origin?
« Reply #8 on: May 15, 2014, 11:28:52 am »
I'll tell you what guys..

I planned a trip on my motorcycle to Vaison la Romaine (haute provence) for the end of june.
From where I live it's just a 1000 km/600 miles away.
So..I thought,why not visit Grenoble and ask those guys at Arturia about the things that hurt so many peeps person!
Then..we will see what the response will be..face to face.

It might be fun to do it..because I will not be alone but make the voyage with a bunch of harley mates,
which can be quite intimidating to most people..take my word for it.

Don't get me wrong..NO bad plans or anything like that at all. will be confronting to THEM in such a way that they should give some defenite answer about the present state
and the future of the it or not...and NOW!

Anyway..if I do just that..I'll be your representative for all pain Arturia gave you by ignoring so many requests for valid reasons.
And..of course,it's not a bad idea to buy a dozen BIG KNOBS while I'm there.

It's possible that I'm refused to talk to anyone..once there..but in that case,at least I did what I could do for the Origin owners here.
And..I don't take NO for an answer easy...if nessessary..I make camp at their frontdoor..with the mates..and the bikes..
and maybe some beers as


cocomo joe

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Re: How stable is the Origin?
« Reply #9 on: May 15, 2014, 12:40:37 pm »
Guys..for whatever reason I get a negative so called karma here..why is that?  what does it mean?
Should I only tell people what they want to hear?
And who are these people giving that feedback?
Show yourselves ..face to face.
As I do..with my opinion..for whatever it's worth.

Off topic..I know..sorry..but I have to ask.
Since I hate backyard piggies.


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Re: How stable is the Origin?
« Reply #10 on: May 15, 2014, 12:59:21 pm »
I planned a trip on my motorcycle to Vaison la Romaine (haute provence) for the end of june.
From where I live it's just a 1000 km/600 miles away.
So..I thought,why not visit Grenoble and ask those guys at Arturia about the things that hurt so many peeps person!
Then..we will see what the response will be..face to face.

You're welcome ;)

I'll be in vacation during the first 2 weeks of june (until june 16th included), so please, plan your visit later so we can meet.


Origin Lead  Developer

cocomo joe

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Re: How stable is the Origin?
« Reply #11 on: May 15, 2014, 01:34:03 pm »
Hello Phil...

Thank you for your kind words..
I will visit France at the end of there should be no prob meeting you.
In fact..I'm looking forward to meet and speak with you..being the ultimate developer.
Not so much for mysef..but for the community here.

Anyway..thanks for the reply and being willing to meet with me.



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Re: How stable is the Origin?
« Reply #12 on: May 15, 2014, 01:56:03 pm »
Maybe it is just the peaceful musician that did not improve your wording of your "hostile" visit to Arturia. You might should have left your friends out of the equation and your karma would have been positive!?

Anyway, we all know that Philippe is all for the Origin. It looks to me that the Company just took a different route to focus on everything else but Origin. You might want to talk to Frederic Brun instead, since he is the president of the company and he is pulling the strings.

Nevertheless, I don't know what you are expecting to accomplish with your trip since it is obvious that Arturia has turned its back on the Origin and their community. I guess we got enough pointers to make that assessment without hearing it directly from them. But their communication sucks as much as their service.
« Last Edit: May 15, 2014, 02:01:09 pm by Cord »

cocomo joe

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Re: How stable is the Origin?
« Reply #13 on: May 15, 2014, 03:16:49 pm »

It's on my way to do it..the visit.
I don't try to accomplish anything apart from being a direct voice for the community here.
About the so called karma here i don't give a shite.
But I would appreciate anyone having something against me to step up front.
Not like a coward..anonimous and behind my back.
That's it.


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Re: How stable is the Origin?
« Reply #14 on: May 15, 2014, 09:03:19 pm »
But let's just look at what Arturia gave us and for me, I did not have major problems with my Origin Desktop over the years. Yes, the big knob needs to be used, otherwise it moves in only one direction. That normally goes away after a couple of hours usage. A little more annoying are the encoders for the sequencer. I have one that went only in one direction and then, after leaving it alone for a while, it would do the ghost move. I fixed that by heating up the encoder with a hair dryer and by some movements. Surprisingly, that seemed to have fixed the problem for a while now. Other than that, my unit is pretty solid.

Now, should you buy an Origin at this point? I don't see why not. Tread it like a hardware synth that doesn't receive any more updates and be happy with what you have. And there is plenty to be happy about. I would not buy if you expect Arturia treating the Origin as a current product with software updates and any other service. Somehow they abandoned their baby. That is actually funny since Arturia never understood why people pay $3k for a Virus and not an Origin. Maybe it is that any Virus got updates long after they were taken off the market while Arturia is stopping updates while their product is still on the market!!

It's clear that there are two kinds ideas for what's missing: some of us still wish for modules or templates which they feel that Arturia promised now years ago. Others, like me, just want to get our units work like it is supposed. In fact I'm very happy its sound and features. To me it's 100% fine with these modules and templates. If it worked well and support/service was liable, I would probably buy it again.

BUT there are still some problems that I simply cannot tolerate: Origin KB cannot send MIDI flawlessly. If I had known this, I wouldn't have bought it. I allready had desktop, so I was buying Origin with MIDI keyboard and MIDI controller functions. If you buy a synth for 3000 euros you can expect that it can send MIDI correctly, right? Origin is really my first synth that have these problems and I have owned few since 80s. Earlier (about a year ago) Philippe showed some interest for fixing it, but this led obviously to nothing. I cannot blame him, I think it's Arturia's money policy which sees no interest in Origin anymore.

Build quality & support (or should I say lack of it) is still the most annoying part of the puzzle. In fact the way they "handled" my warranty case is the real reason, why I will probably NEVER buy anything from this company. First, they build an instrument which have very poor quality of knobs. Second, they build an instrument which is practically impossible to repair anywhere else than in France. Third, they clearly do not even want to fix those malfunctioning units (no matter if they are under warranty or not). They simply ignore all our efforts to get help or information.

To me it's amazing how this company can think that they will survive from all this negative publicity around their flagship product. Is it really wise business to ignore us and hope that Arturia brand will stay in business regardless all these disappointed Origin users? Giving us and Origin more respect story might have been opposite: proud Origin owners strengthening the Arturia brand and reputation as a "company which build the great Origin". Now I know well that in many forums Origin is known mostly from its problems and Arturia is mostly known as a unliable company which tries to do this and that and everything has problems (and poor support too!). I am quite amazed about all this, but perhaps they make enough money with all these plastic MIDI controllers which are made in China...?


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