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Author Topic: Recover sound from corrupted file  (Read 11890 times)


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Recover sound from corrupted file
« on: September 22, 2004, 07:33:50 pm »
How can i recover the sounds of my voice with eztrack to put them into another song...the problem is while trying to start a composition completely finished this message appears:
java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero
   at musica.modules.oneinputrecorder.ProcTR.a([DashoPro-V2.2-110100.11101B001267])
   at musica.modules.oneinputrecorder.ProcTR.a([DashoPro-V2.2-110100.11101B001267])
   at musica.modules.oneinputrecorder.ProcTR.process([DashoPro-V2.2-110100.11101B001267]
   at mo.c([DashoPro-V2.2-110100.11101B001267])
   at mo.a([DashoPro-V2.2-110100.11101B001267])
   at s1.b([DashoPro-V2.2-110100.11101B001267])
   at sy.c([DashoPro-V2.2-110100.11101B001267])
   at fa.b([DashoPro-V2.2-110100.11101B001267])
   at storm.application.Application.a([DashoPro-V2.2-110100.11101B001267])
   at ex.a([DashoPro-V2.2-110100.11101B001267])
   at ex.a([DashoPro-V2.2-110100.11101B001267])
   at ex.a([DashoPro-V2.2-110100.11101B001267])
   at bo.a([DashoPro-V2.2-110100.11101B001267])
   at bl.b([DashoPro-V2.2-110100.11101B001267])
I do never have had this kind of problem, and now it`s really bad because i have recorded my voice and cannot recover it.
Thanks a lot


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