A couple Spark improvements...
[sample layering]
I Would like to be able to layer a sample within a synth inst. Have a simple sampler with HP & LP filter plus volume control. So we could then layer a sample with an inst synth and compress, process, and trigger on the same mixer channel.
If not that, the ability to link instruments. Which would ideally bus the 2 instruments within the mixer and both instruments would trigger in sync.
[mixer clear & templates]
I would like to be able to have a button to complete reset the mixer or load saved mixer templates.
I would also like to be able to double or control+click a parameter to reset the value to unity.
[Mixer Mode]
I would like to be able to toggle Spark CDM to a Mixer Mode of which the inst knobs will control volume, sends, etc.
While in mixer mode, the mute or solo function could be activated to also be able to mute/solo instruments with the pads.
While in Mixer Mode, we could also gain lots of control on the instrument processing. IE use the [<<][>>] buttons to cycle instrument FX slots for the selected instrument mixer channel. We could then use the browse knob to browse and load processors into the selected inst channel slots. The 5 master knobs could then control the processor loaded in the selected FX slot of the selected instrument.
Mixer mode would allow us to sit back and mix our entire kit from the hardware with ease!