Beta's Sample browser:
The new browser is going to be nice for changing samples, but why not also next/previous sample functions via buttons or ctrl+L/R arrow keys while instrument is selected?
Problem being with the browser (while still being an improvement) is that you can't tweak and change the sample simultaneously while hunting for the sound you want, so you have to browse, pick, close, tweak, browse, pick, close, tweak, browse, pick, close, tweak, etc. - When you have hundreds, or thousands of say, kicks, to go through and you have to re-tune or change the cutoff every time you pick one to see if it'll fit, reopening/closing the browser between each try is frustrating. Way better than the old pop-up context menu style of choosing, but still frustrating.
Fix a couple things with the browser and it would be just as good as prev/next:
1) spacebar plays current highlighted sample. that way auditioning can be done with arrow keys and spacebar
2) let the gui of the browser be resized SMALLER, not just larger.
3) allow access to the Spark editor while the browser is open.
4) 2+3 = resolves the issue mentioned above about not being able to quickly audition and tweak samples simultaneously.
Main Spark/SparkLE interface:
Make it so shift click (or something) = select + function, so we don't have to press select all the time.
How about a faster way to select a instrument for editing on the hardware rather than Select + Pad. I find that totally frustrating/cumbersome and would really like to have a quicker way to switch between instruments. How about making it an option/preference to lock in to simultaneous pad select/play instead of just one or the other? Using select slows things down so much. I (and I believe most people) use Spark's h/w as a x0x type sequencer with editing abilities rather than like a MPC/Finger drumming interface.. so an option for this type of behavior would be great for us.