It looks like Storm basically bites with Cubase SX as far as I can tell-the only thing you can do is render out waves from the recorder (record and export wav) because otherwise it is "lock-up city"...don't get me wrong-Storm is cool as a standalone, but REALLY-if it WORKED it would be nice-
VST & Rewire are a no go for me-the "reconnect" solution one of the previous guys posted doesn't seem to work for me-maybe I am missing something...the correct alignment of the planets maybe

HEY ARTURIA-PLEASE FIX THIS-Storm is "almost" a great program-I cannot recommend it to my colleagues/peers/friends who use Cubase (or any other) because of this ----they just say"give me a "REASON" -pun intended-
On the heels of Mg success, now would be a good time to make Storm a kick-butt alternative to Reason from a marketing stand-point-fix it...before the word gets out...