Perfectly happy to be using a dongle.
The elcc is working fine for most of my synths. I have the V Collection. The discs which came in the box were quite old. I had begun installing from the discs first. It appears I may have installed things in the "wrong" order. As such, my arp2600 and cs80 synths are not working. The V1 of those synths do work, but don't show up on the elcc. The V2, which I want to use, are not authorized. I have not determined any way to reinstall or otherwise get the proper authorizations for those two synths onto my elcc dongle to get things working.
oddly, and this may be part of the problem, I can only register one of my synths online here. My profile currently only shows the prophet V synth. The other license numbers from the included card in my box are rejected from my online profile here, so therefore my user page does not show the other synths. Many authorization pages here reference using those online registrations to get an authorization onto the elcc, but I cannot do that as I've had both registration and authorization issues with this software.
That said, I've installed the latest versions from this site and all but the arp2600 and cs80 seem to be working fine and authorized fine on my system. Only those two are problematic. I am concerned that my user page only shows one synth from the v collection as registered.
I have emailed tech support, but it seems to take a week to get a response. We've traded a message or two, which means I've been having this problem for a few weeks now. I would like to see this working already. Any help appreciated.