- Polyphony: there is no rule to know the polyphony of a multi, since it may vary from a lot of notes with light patches in a split configuration, down to 2 or 3 notes if you layer 4 very heavy programs. For single, average patches, you should have, as you say, from 8 to 20 voices, according to what you call an average patch!
- TAE: the TAE amount is a parameter that should make patches sound more analog. The more TAE amount there is, the more analog the sound is. It does not affect the CPU or the polyphony at all. However, we have been reported some issues by some users (unwanted harmonics and some aliasing) on certain patches when using big TAE amounts, so, until the bug is corrected, I suggest to use low TAE amounts (use only the first half of the knob)
- About the manual: be careful when you read it, because it is quite outdated. We are currently updating it, and the new version will be available soon (maybe with a glossary

- Stability: we already corrected some stability bugs in the 1.2 version that will be released soon. We are currently working on our _last_ big stability issue (edition of patches after playing in a multi). It will maybe available in the 1.2, or maybe in the next version. Just to say that we are working hard on stability, and that the next version(s) will solve these problems.
As a developer on Origin, I can assure you that we are going to keep working on the Origin firmware for a while, and we are trying to address the stability issue with the highest priority. Now we still need to release the promised templates (JP8, CS, ...), but even when they will be released, I don't think developments will be stopped if some serious bugs remain.