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Author Topic: V-Collection? I name it "THE BUG COLLECTION"  (Read 13365 times)


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V-Collection? I name it "THE BUG COLLECTION"
« on: August 13, 2007, 10:31:18 am »
Hello there, I just bought the V-Collection and yes the plugs look and
sound amazing! But when you start using them Bugs are disturbing your
work in minutes. Oké I understand that the Jupiter is brandnew but the
rest is years old and not working propper! Do I have to report it at support? No when I look at the forums I can see that it makes no difference, because reported bugs who are on the forum a year ago are still there! Greatings and good luck to all Arturia Users! David :evil:


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V-Collection? I name it "THE BUG COLLECTION"
« Reply #1 on: August 13, 2007, 07:12:57 pm »
There are apparently some email addresses you can send a report to.  DO NOT SPAM, and be very succinct.  They are apparently swamped with their work on the new keyboard, which may explain why they're slow do do something about their other products.

Good luck!


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It is a Shame!!!
« Reply #2 on: August 14, 2007, 09:45:57 pm »
Hello overState2007, No I'm not sending a e-mail! When they read there own forum they know what is wrong with there software! If there is not
a quick possitive solution coming from Arturia I advice all of you to return the software to the shop, because it is not working! I was working on a track this morning and had to restart my computer 10 times to be able to
work with Arturia plugs. Greatings and thanks David :wink:


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V-Collection? I name it "THE BUG COLLECTION"
« Reply #3 on: August 15, 2007, 12:27:47 am »
I'll tell you right off.  They're not going to respond to this thread.  The best you're likely to get on these boards is a self-deprecating explanation on why you shouldn't hold your breath.  Do an email, and be as cordial as possible about it.

On the other hand, I've found that the CS-80V and the Mg Modular V are by far the most stable.  For the other ones, keep yourself busy with the first two until one of two things happens:

a) Arturia releases updates that let the software run better

b) You're able to buy a very powerful system that can keep them stable.

I run mine (CS80V, MMV, Prophet V) on a 4 ghz 1024, MB ram PC with winXP (service pack 2) and the Prophet has been the only one to give me serious trouble, but I can usually run it for a couple of hours solid before it starts acting retarded (the infamous low-note that doesn't go away until you reselect your polyphony settings).

The J8V got very uncooperative on it's vaunted 8-voice polyphony, and since I have the ones I have, I'm content to work with them and my other tools for the time being.

  The key is discretion.  The manuals have some suggestions about what features start to tax the CPU, you have to look for them, but they're there.  Beyond that, don't go nuts with them.  If it's originally a monosynth, then it'll be damn near bulletproof in that capacity.

As a company though, these guys will either have to get their shit together or they won't last as their only real advantage right now is offering something you can't get elsewhere (which can change).  I'm jazzed to have access to the next best thing to a CS-80 regardless. :D


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Re: It is a Shame!!!
« Reply #4 on: August 17, 2007, 01:40:06 am »
Quote from: "FBM"
Hello overState2007, No I'm not sending a e-mail! When they read there own forum they know what is wrong with there software! If there is not
a quick possitive solution coming from Arturia I advice all of you to return the software to the shop, because it is not working! I was working on a track this morning and had to restart my computer 10 times to be able to
work with Arturia plugs. Greatings and thanks David :wink:

The Forum is not the direct  way to contact Arturia......
(it is equaly effective as putting a poster  on the power pole outside their offices.....)
The forums are a way to discuss with other a bulletin board....

Here are 4 links with Email and private messaging

Vincent T.....


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IF SO........ the name Free Speech of this forum means?
« Reply #5 on: August 17, 2007, 10:38:33 am »
Hello, If that is true why are those bugs still there? Most of the plugs in
the V-Collection are years old. And I'm sure there must have been
1000's of e-mails send to Arturia about those bugs, because I tried
the software on 3 computers with the same result.....Bugs!
The only way to wake them up is going public like every consumers
program on television is. As a warning for people who are planning to
buy the software. Software can be allmost bugfree if the programmers
realy know what they are programming. So never believe that because
it is software you need to have bugs in it (all computer systems are
different bla...bla..bla). All hardware in my studio except the creameware
stuff is bugfree. It all has a dsp inside with software. The problem most
software comp. have is the race they put them selfs in. It is like a piramide game. If one software program is not selling you start the
next one to pay for the first one and so on. But you do'nt have the time
and money to fix the first one so you leave it, because maybe the 6e
one will pay for all the money you allready lost. I have software like
the Oddity it workt from day one! FREE SPEECH! Greatings David


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V-Collection? I name it "THE BUG COLLECTION"
« Reply #6 on: August 17, 2007, 12:15:23 pm »
Yes, there are some bugs that need fixing. But anyone reading this thread would be led to believe that all Arturia products are unuseable, so it's necessary to point out that isn't the case.

I'm especially curious to know what caused a computer to crash ten times. What were you running, and on what kind of system?

I've been using the Vintage collection for a couple of years now. The only times it's crashed have been when I overloaded the MMV by trying out an extreme kind of feedback connection that I had doubts about (after I rebooted I got an email from the person I'd been discussing it with, who said don't try it in software because it'll only work in hardware. :D); and a couple of times the MiniMg V crashed when I first got it. I reinstalled it and I've had no further problems. (It even left my patches intact and accessed them again when I reinstalled, saving me the need to restore them, which was neat.)

I'm not trying to interface the Arturia stuff with third party sequencer programs. I play everything the musically expressive way from a keyboard. Many people seem to have problems interfacing the Arturia synths with third party programs that Arturia has no control over. While some of them are widely used and interfacing would be desirable, it's true to say that people have reported problems with a bewildering variety of third party software.

The same goes for operating systems. Problems with Vista are being reported frequently, especially related to music software. That isn't a problem of the software writers' doing, but they're expected to respond to it and make changes to their existing products.

I do sympathise with people who are having problems, and I don't want to be misunderstood as minimising those problems. And it seems to be true there are long-standing problems that cause understandable frustration. I think Arturia would love to have the time and resources to fix those problems, but they're forced to do a balancing act between bug fixes and releasing new products. If they don't release new products there's no income and the bug fixes will never come rather than coming late.

The electronic instrument market is littered with fine, innovative companies that didn't make it financially. ARP is a prime example; Mg too, though they've managed a resurgence after disappearing. But, like Yamaha, they don't make the synths Arturia has emulated because it's no longer commercially viable.

In an ideal world all these companies would have the resources and the financial bouyancy to provide an instant response to all their customers' concerns. But this isn't an ideal world.

I'd advise anyone wondering about Arturia's synths to test the demo versions to see if they do what you want them to do. Also make sure your computer is up to the job and you have a high-end soundcard.

Without wanting to sound dismissive to the people having problems, these are good instruments on the right computer and when they're not interfacing with something else that they have problems with.

I'd hate to see us in a few years' time saying how great these synths sounded and how it's a pity Arturia went under because the company was too small to respond to enough customer needs and they got a reputation for being unreliable, which in turn stopped people from buying their stuff. Highly sought after and no longer obtainable products that sell for vast amounts on ebay won't help anybody. Yes, there are some problems, but I'd urge anyone reading this topic and wondering about Arturia's synths: demo them and see if they work for you, and if they do, buy them and keep this company going.


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V-Collection? I name it "THE BUG COLLECTION"
« Reply #7 on: August 17, 2007, 01:45:04 pm »
Sweep, bless you.  That was all on the tip of my tongue.

Hell, I use all three of mine (MMV, cs80v and prophet v) in a freeware, open-source sequencer program (that's no longr active) called "Jeskola Buzz" and even there I have very few problems.

The prophet has problems that will prevent my playing it live, but the others run damn near perfect.

The MMV, when used in it's original capacity as a modular monosynth doesn't run over 10% of my 2x2 Ghz processor, and this is when I have a sequencer routine and FM built in.


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Mr.Sweep Moderator?
« Reply #8 on: August 18, 2007, 11:26:11 am »
Hello Sweep are you a mod. of Arturia or working for the company?!
I know all the answers like: "All working fine here!" "No problems here!"
"What is the system you are using?!" Bla..bla...bla.
Nice that it works for you you are a great help!!!!!!!!!
Greatings David


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V-Collection? I name it "THE BUG COLLECTION"
« Reply #9 on: August 18, 2007, 12:14:51 pm »
Hi. No, I don't work for Arturia in any capacity.

EDIT: I've just re-read your post after posting a reply. I thought you were asking what system I was using, but now I look again you're posting that as an example of an unhelpful question. In fact it's very relevant to ask what you're using if you want to actually look at why problems are occurring and sort out whether they're solvable. Here's what I originally wrote, in an effort to be helpful:

To answer your question, I'm using a PC running Windows XP, with a 2.8GHz Intel Celeron and 230 MB RAM (not quite enough, and due to be upgraded). The soundcard is an RME Hammerfall HDSP 9632.

More to the point, if you'd llike to say what you're using it may be possible to work out why you're having problems.

You also haven't said whether you're using the Arturia synths in stand-alone mode or in conjunction with something else.

And which one crashed ten times? Have you tried reinstalling? As I mentioned, a reinstall solved the problems I had with the MiniMg V.


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Re: Mr.Sweep Moderator?
« Reply #10 on: August 18, 2007, 10:06:23 pm »
I am successfully running all the pre dongle arturia software and Arturia Brass.....Mainly I use Standalone, as I output directly to Multitrack.....
I have 2 Systems running....My AMD FX55 (single proccesor) with 2 gb OCZ DDR3200 low latency on a MSI 939 Motherboard....I am Over-Clocked at 2.856 GHz and can easily run multiple instances with reasonable Polyphony 44.1, 48, and 96k.....glitch free....Windows XP Pro SP 2

My second system is an AMD 3700 with 2 x 512mb sticks of OCZ gold DDR3200.....on a ECS Motherboard 939 socket....I have a PCI version RME HDSP 9652 which is connected optically to my Alesis HD24, and my Behringer DDX 3216 Digital Console......I transfer single instance/ full polyphony /standalone tracks digitally on this system generally at 44.1k and 48k sometimes with varispeed which locks my softsynths succesfully at variable rates......Windows XP Pro SP 2

Quote from: "FBM"
Hello Sweep are you a mod. of Arturia or working for the company?!
I know all the answers like: "All working fine here!" "No problems here!"
"What is the system you are using?!" Bla..bla...bla.
Nice that it works for you you are a great help!!!!!!!!!
Greatings David

You obviosly do not know how to help yourself.......
Quote from: "FBM"
Hello overState2007, No I'm not sending a e-mail!

You have stated that you have tried this package on 3 different Systems....
Quote from: "FBM"
I'm sure there must have been
1000's of e-mails send to Arturia about those bugs, because I tried
the software on 3 computers with the same result.....Bugs!

but you fail to answer a simple question...
I'm especially curious to know what caused a computer to crash ten times. What were you running, and on what kind of system?....You also haven't said whether you're using the Arturia synths in stand-alone mode or in conjunction with something else.

So I suggest this to you....1 more time
Here are 4 links with Email and private messaging to
Arturia Developers..

Vincent T.....

and 1 final link to another member, who like you, has grumblings and nothing good to say, but defame good Arturia products....

His name is Ted will have lots to share, lots of grief together....


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You see I was not wrong about the replies
« Reply #11 on: August 18, 2007, 11:57:53 pm »
"It is running fine here!" Good for you!!!! But what do I buy for it?
My car is broken, I go to the garage and in front of the garage are people
all screaming: My car is fine, nothing wrong with my car!  Don't you see
how useless this is. Greatings David


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V-Collection? I name it "THE BUG COLLECTION"
« Reply #12 on: August 19, 2007, 02:31:42 am »
False analogy. The mechanic asks you what's wrong - what happens when you do such and such a thing? Which is basically the same question you've been asked.

Next he looks at the car, which can't be done in this case because none of us have access to your computer. So what you're doing is more like someone posting to a car forum. Imagine someone posting to the Ford forum and saying "The Focus is useless because mine doesn't start." People would naturally say "Well it isn't useless because mine works. What happens when you turn the ignition key? Does the engine turn over? Does it try to start and cut out?"

Do you actually want to run this software? If you just want a refund because you're not happy with it, it won't help if you come to people using it and say it can't be used. But if you want to try to resolve the problems, you've been invited to be more specific.


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Re: You see I was not wrong about the replies
« Reply #13 on: August 19, 2007, 02:58:44 am »
Quote from: "FBM"
"It is running fine here!" Good for you!!!! But what do I buy for it?
My car is broken, I go to the garage and in front of the garage are people
all screaming: My car is fine, nothing wrong with my car!  Don't you see
how useless this is. Greatings David

Yes....But you obviously don't see how useless your posts are......
grasp what we are saying...
Go into the Fkkin garage and "ask".... don't ask the customers who are happy with their vehicles..........what do you not undrestand here???

Mechanic Nicolas...
Mechanic Koala...
Mechanic Vincent T.....
Mechanic Fab....

This is a bulletin board,
is that how you would get your car fixed????
by posting it on a bulletin board at the garage???

1989 ford ...... doesn't work.... tried it on 3 different highways,  why are other drivers happy??? I am not going to talk to a mechanic,....these cars have been out for years, they should all work by now........ Phone me...123-4567....
 ask for Dubya......

What is your problem man???


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« Reply #14 on: August 19, 2007, 11:15:40 am »
No my car gets fixed by people like you who are screaming that there
car is working and that I'm at the wrong place. People who are dominating
all forums to keep the negative voices out. Most of the time they do it for
free as wel. Like Arturia is a sort of religion and you are a dicipel and oh
when something negative comes on the forum......
It is simple like I wrote before (about the software). It looks great and sounds amazing, but it is full of bugs. And I am shure it is not my computer(s) or system. IT IS THE SOFTWARE! And now I going to make
some music!!!!! Greatings David


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