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Author Topic: How can I automate parameters such as envelope/cutoff etc.?  (Read 8358 times)


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How can I automate parameters such as envelope/cutoff etc.?
« on: December 11, 2013, 06:07:22 pm »
I have the synth plugged into a MacBook Pro via USB using ableton. It seems that most of the parameters do not send midi information so I can't automate them which is pretty essential really. The pitch and mod wheel and keys work but not much else which is worrying.
 If I cannot automate even the filter cutoff then the synth is pretty useless to me.

Has anyone been able to achieve this?


« Last Edit: December 11, 2013, 08:40:29 pm by Badaszewski »


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Re: How can I automate parameters such as envelope/cutoff etc.?
« Reply #1 on: December 11, 2013, 09:13:42 pm »
look @microbrute connection manual.

no chance to automate filter cutoff and other things


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Re: How can I automate parameters such as envelope/cutoff etc.?
« Reply #2 on: December 11, 2013, 10:12:31 pm »
Which section? I couldn't find anything about it.


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Re: How can I automate parameters such as envelope/cutoff etc.?
« Reply #3 on: December 11, 2013, 10:19:48 pm »
Is it possible to automate them via 5 pin midi?


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Re: How can I automate parameters such as envelope/cutoff etc.?
« Reply #4 on: December 11, 2013, 10:40:32 pm »
Changing parameters via MIDI CCs
The MicroBrute allows you simple access to all the parameters found in the editor via easy to
use MIDI CCs. When parameters are changed using CCs, changes will be lost after a restart.
To write changes to internal memory you have to use the editor.
Parameter MIDI CC Value
Receive Channel 102 1 to 16, 17=All
Send Channel 103 1 to 16
Seq Retrig 104 0 to 41 = Reset
42 to 83 = Legato
84 to 127 = None
Seq Play Mode 105 0 to 63 = Hold
64 to 127 = Note On
Next Seq Mode 106 0 to 41 = End
42 to 83 = Instant Reset
84 to 127 = Instant Continuous
Seq Step Size 107 0 to 29 = ¼
30 to 59 = 1/8
60 to 89 = 1/16
90 to 127 = 1/32
Sync Source 108 0 to 41 = Auto
42 to 83 = Int
84 to 127 = Ext
Env Legato Mode 109 0 to 63 = Off
64 to 127 = On
LFO Retrig Mode 110 0 to 63 = Off
64 to 127 = On
Note Priority 111 0 to 41 = Last
42 to 83 = Low
84 to 127 = High
Velocity Curve 112 0 to 41 = Lin
42 to 83 = Log
84 to 127 = Anti Log
Gate Length 113 0 to 41 = Short
42 to 83 = Med
84 to 127 = Long
Seq Step/Gate Mode 114 0 to 63 = Clk
64 to 127 = Gate/Tap
Pitch Bend Range RPN 06 1 to 12
Local ON/OFF 122 0 = or 127
« Last Edit: December 11, 2013, 10:42:37 pm by Lars »


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Re: How can I automate parameters such as envelope/cutoff etc.?
« Reply #5 on: December 12, 2013, 08:34:39 am »
The Microbrute is an almost completely analog synthesizer. This means that the analog circuitry (VCO, filter, etc) is controlled directly by the knobs and sliders. These are in fact potentiometers that form part of the circuits themselves, in contrast to hybrid synths where the circuits are digitally controlled and the knobs and sliders are used to set values in the digital circuits that in turn control the voltages in the analog circuits. This direct, physical control of the circuits is actually one of the reasons some people like this synth so much (including myself). Besides, this design is most likely one of the reasons the Microbrute is so inexpensive.

What this means for the Microbrute is that there are no D/A converters that could convert MIDI signals to voltages, with one exception: you can automate filter cutoff by setting the mod wheel to control the filter instead of the LFO depth.

If you buy a MIDI-to-CV converter, you will be able to use that to automate all the parameters that can be controlled via the patch panel.


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Re: How can I automate parameters such as envelope/cutoff etc.?
« Reply #6 on: December 12, 2013, 10:41:46 am »
Thanks bacon that's a great explanation. I too love the fact that it is analogue, I've just gotten so used to being able automate everything it just didn't occur to me.

I suppose ill just have to be a bit more creative about it.



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Re: How can I automate parameters such as envelope/cutoff etc.?
« Reply #7 on: September 27, 2018, 05:29:59 pm »
You can automate the mod wheel, so you can basically automate the filter


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