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Author Topic: Unusable slow sluggish plugins when the GUI is open!  (Read 11963 times)


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Unusable slow sluggish plugins when the GUI is open!
« on: October 29, 2013, 04:22:45 pm »

Firstly, I have a 6 core Mac Pro (3.33GHz) with 24GB of Ram
Secondly, I'm running Logic Pro 9.1.8 on Snow Leopard 10.6.8
Thirdly, All Arturia plugins are 64bit and the very latest builds including the eLicenser

Since purchasing the V-Collection back in 2011 I've had problems with crashing and everything grinding to an absolute crawl with plugins and DAW becoming totally unresponsive.

When I open many of the V Collection GUI's the system grinds to a standstill with the spinning beachball, every attempt at tweaking parameters is virtually impossible with GUI's unable to respond with the spinning beachball of death.  Whilst the GUI is open, the Logics play head freezes, and Logic also becomes totally unresponsive.

I'm posting here in the Mini V section as this is the plugin I've tried to use the most although it's fair to say the whole V Collection is the same, In fact Analog Laboratory is even worse.

The support I've received over the years from Arturia is pathetic, not one of my complaints has been resolved; after weeks of emails back and forth asking the same stupid lame questions "if I've updated to newer versions" even though I have always made a point of starting every technical complaint with the version or build numbers, eventually Arturia gives up and the replies stop.

This problem has been going on now since 2009 and it seems Arturia is unable to resolve these issues, is anyone else suffering the same fate as myself using Logic Pro?

Thanks for reading, reply if you're in the same boat!


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Re: Unusable slow sluggish plugins when the GUI is open!
« Reply #1 on: June 10, 2015, 08:15:02 am »
I am facing a similar problems  ???

ableton Live's gui gets very sluggish when I opening some of V Collection GUI (Mini V,CS80, ARP2600)

I'm using
Latest Live 9 64bit
V collection 64bit AU
OS 10.6.X
Mac Pro
Live 8


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Re: Unusable slow sluggish plugins when the GUI is open!
« Reply #2 on: June 17, 2021, 06:43:58 am »
Old thread, I know... but this exact problem is happening to me in Cubase 11.   I noticed it with the FX Collection. (maybe because I never have more than one Arturia VSTi open at once)



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