Don't get my wrong, I have nothing against new modules or template(s).
BUT: In my opinion, above all, Arturia should fix the Origin connection ASAP. Keeping your Origin organized is pain with it and it definetily should not be like that. For example, let's say you have a backup of a multi with 4 different programs and one of them (let's call it X) is your one favorite (many other multis use it). Now if you wanna import this multi to your Origin, what happens? First choise: you have to get a new empty place for this X, even if it is actually there already. Other choise: you overwrite same program (in Origin) with same preset. But in this case every existing multis will loose this X. Both cases lead to mess inside Origin and little by little everything get very messy. Same is with step seq patterns. It's true pain to keep it in order.
I am lucky to have two Origins, one at my home and other mostly on gigs. I'd like to keep them close as possible to each other (= having similar preset library). This is very difficult with Origin Connection.
All this should not be that painful. In 200 Microkorg editor/librarian is much much well organized and better made. And I am not even talking about any update inside Origin. It's about this only app which we got with our instrument...
(And yes, I've said this thousand times. But I feel I need to say this everytime when others want this and that new module etc.)