Hello. I am presently demoing both Spark software 1.6.1 and the Current VDM as well. Since I have a Akai MPD32 that has midi learned from what is available in CDM it seems
to work ok so that is why I thought I would try VDM(I have "Geist") so sampling or sample import isn't a major concern and I'd save $ and not buy SparkLe. Well then I discovered there is no drag and drop with the current VDM I thought
well better go for SparkLe as it really isn't that much more. That aside here is the reason for this thread and discussion of the "Subject".
I know there is no midi export with the demo's
BUT in Cubase 5.1 Essentials and the current Reaper you can click and drag on the jog wheel(pattern) and place it on the Spark or a plain midi track.
It just doesn't play the sounds. At first I noticed the wrong midi notes and then I searched here and found that others have had a problem
like I just described. SO. I did some more midi drag and drop tests using 1.6.1 and then removed the VSTi track and Spark.
Then I loaded up VDM and used the same kit and erased a pattern then placed that previous midi from CDM
on VDM track. It played flawlessly. but not with 1.6.1. Weird, unless this is just how the Demo restriction work with
1.6.1. Since I have read pleas here from other's that have drag and drop issues with the Authorized versions I want to know if these are mainly isolated issues
or a known bug?
I haven't noticed CPU issues like so many Windows users have complained about and I don't notice as big of a hit like I get using say DCAM Synth Squad
or the "Diva" demo. Huh. I guess I am lucky as my machine is 2 years old (intel(R) core( TM) i3 cpu 5.50
@ 3.20 Ghz 8 gigs of ram Win 7 64 bit Home Premium. So I can use this software and am not too concerned ie:CPU so far.
I really don't want to only have audio export as an option so either midi drag and drop or midi is recorded from Spark VSTi on it's track is a must.
Please advise and all comments welcome. BTW have the "MiniBrute" and just love it