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Author Topic: Keylab 61 Mkii display too dark  (Read 829 times)

August Weidner

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Keylab 61 Mkii display too dark
« on: May 28, 2023, 02:47:22 pm »
All of the sudden my Keylab 61 mkii display has become too dark. I can barely make out any characters on the screen. It was just fine, bright and clear last time I used it.  Today I powered it up and issue started.  Also if I put my ear up close to the display, I can hear a high pitch noise. I’m not sure if that is new or related, but I hear it now whenever I turn it on.  I’m using the dual usb adapter that came with it. I tried different usb cables, different usb ports on the computer and same issue - can’t see anything on the display.


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