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Author Topic: Prophet Patches from older versions  (Read 2674 times)


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Prophet Patches from older versions
« on: February 27, 2023, 07:43:16 am »
Hello, I'm trying to load up some patches for the Prophet V VST.  They are ".prox" file types.  I'm unable to import these into the 'Prophet-5 V' bank.

I think the patches may have been made for an older version?   Is it possible to convert these to work with the ones I have now?  Is there any other way to get them to work?



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Re: Prophet Patches from older versions
« Reply #1 on: February 27, 2023, 12:53:22 pm »

Prophet V3 was a hybrid of Prophet 5 and Prophet VS.
Now Prophet 5 V and Prophet VS V are seperate instruments. I think that's very good.
The new applications are also rebuilds. Many things has changed.
So the new applications can't use the old Prophet V presets.

You can still use the old Prophet V alongside the new applications for as long as it's possible as it's no longer maintained by Arturia. It's a legacy product.
The old presets can also be used in Analog Lab, when it's set to include Legacy sounds.


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