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Author Topic: Sequencer bugged in minifreak V plugin  (Read 934 times)


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Sequencer bugged in minifreak V plugin
« on: January 16, 2023, 05:19:07 pm »
on my minifreak hardware when I copy from ARP to SEQ it does not refresh inside plugin, I need to manually turn off and turn on each step so it's updated inside plugin + my biggest problem is that pressing play/stop btn is not registered in plugin version so I hear different stuff on my headphones connected to hardware vs in my DAW or standalone app, because SEQ is playing and its stopped on my mac + when I manually go into seq mode in plugin I can press play/stop only to play sequence, I can't stop it, btn does not work and I need to switch mode to stop sequence (also it's not synced with hardware). I don't know if this is plugin issue (latest version + latest FW) or it's because I'm using ventura on my mac


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Re: Sequencer bugged in minifreak V plugin
« Reply #1 on: January 17, 2023, 01:51:56 pm »
I think it is related to
Yes, the sequencer in the synth and the software runs independently - the transport control of one does not affect the other. The contents of the sequencer stays synced between the hard and soft -ware though.

It seems to be a design decision, although I'm not sure why that choice was made since everything else is 1:1 synced. If nothing else, you can play canons by starting them at different times...  :P

I also created feature requests for the sequencer
« Last Edit: January 17, 2023, 01:54:31 pm by Nollo »


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