February 13, 2025, 04:26:48 am
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Arturia Forums

Author Topic: OB-Xa Bank B - Factory Presets Recreated on the PolyBrute - Free/PayWhatYouCan  (Read 1372 times)


  • Apprentice
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  • Posts: 16
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I've completed the second set (56 patches) from the Oberheim OB-Xa, recreated on the Arturia PolyBrute.  This bank includes the following sets from the OB-Xa.  Each set (eg. Set B, Set BC, etc.) has eight patches:

B, C, BC, D, AD, BD, CD.

The set is free/pay what you can.  Since I do not have access to a real OB-Xa, I relied heavily on the Arturia OP-Xa V to create these.

If you want to compare these presets with the VST, you can demo a copy of the OP-Xa V on Arturia's website here:


Here's the link to the download on my Gumroad page:


A full demo of all of the sounds in this bank can be viewed on YouTube at the following link:





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