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Author Topic: DAW command: Logic automation latch/touch instead of write  (Read 667 times)


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DAW command: Logic automation latch/touch instead of write
« on: November 18, 2022, 09:24:25 am »
Has anybody found a way to reassign the "write" button to "latch* or "touch* in Logic? "Write" is not the recommended way to use automation and will cause more harm than being useful. 
Would be great, if we could reassign the automation mode in Midi Control Center. 
P.S. and what about a more modern user forum? LOL (sorry)...  ;D


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Re: DAW command: Logic automation latch/touch instead of write
« Reply #1 on: November 18, 2022, 10:10:39 am »
I just found a way to change the setting in Logic:

1. Go to "Control Surface" -> "Controller Assignments"
2. Select "Channel Strips" -> "(No Mode)
3. Scroll down until you see "Read/Off" "Write" "Touch" "Latch"
4. Make sure "Input" is "KeyLab xxxxx"
5. Select "Write" and change the "Multiply" value from "4" (write) to "2" (touch)

Possible values are:
1 - Read
2 - Touch
3 - Latch
4 - Write

Be careful - I just found it and have no experiences with it so far. Hope it helps anybody out there and doesn't break anything...
« Last Edit: November 18, 2022, 10:12:30 am by rugydp »


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