I'm happy to give it a try if you can give me some suggestions on the best workflow to export a bank of sounds. I've found that Arturia has two definitions of what a 'bank' is.
Here's what I've tried in the past. If there's something I'm missing I would love to have a faster method and I'm definitely open to suggestions. I'm really hoping there is a simple workaround that I'm missing here. Please save me if there is

I've found the PolyBrute Connect software to be a bit awkward unless I use projects. When I try to create presets/banks for sharing, I have three options: Export single presets, export entire "user banks" which I have to define (see below), or export a project.
If I export single presets, a bank of 96 presets would require manually exporting the separate presets one at a time.
If I export a "user bank", I need to first define the bank. When I say I have to 'define a bank' I mean that the PolyBrute Connect software has this odd workflow where a user bank is a collection of presets of any number. Ie. I'm not talking about a "bank of 96 presets", eight of which add up to a project. I'm referring to how Arturia defines any user created patches as belonging to the 'User bank' as opposed to the factory bank. There can be more than one user bank, with no limit to the number of patches that are defined within it. (At least that's how I'm understanding Arturia's approach...or misunderstanding it.)
In order to define a 'user bank', I have to manually click on each preset from a project, select save as, in the popup dialogue I have to select what 'user bank' I want to save it in. If I make a mistake in this step and accidentally add a preset to one of my 'user banks', I don't know how to remove it. The only workaround when I accidentally define a preset as belonging to the wrong 'user bank' is to create a new 'user bank' and start from scratch. (Sorry for the long-winded explanation and way too many quote marks

If I use project files instead, I am able to batch drag and drop banks, individual presets, or several presets at-once from any other projects or from the polybrute hardware. It is much faster, I can make mistakes and correct them, and I can do it all without even having to load anything into the PolyBrute hardware. When loading a project, I import it into PBC (which does not automatically load it into the hardware so it won't overwrite anything you don't want overwritten). Once loaded in PBC, I can drag-and-drop whatever presets I want over to the hardware, or just individually click on them to have them temporarily load into the hardware to hear what they sound like.
If you have a suggestion on how I can easily export a bank I'd be happy to give it a go and offer it in that format instead.