For the VC9 we rebuilt from scratch the Prophet-5, Prophet VS and CS-80, meaning they are brand new instruments with a completely new code. I suggest you to compare the old Prophet V3 with both the Prophet 5 and the VS to see the improvement gap, personally i'm very impressed by the sound of both, compared with the actual hardware !
Given the complexity of both synths, there was no interest of keeping them together, having a mix of both now would be too complicated for users. Also, as you stated in another post, in the Prophet V3 you could not search patches in the browser related to the 5 or VS only, and that was a pain.
Every user that bought the SQ80 has the buying price as a discount on the Vcollection 9, so it is not more expensive for them. If you own VCollection 8 your upgrade price should be 199, and if you own VCol 8 + SQ80 V it should be 149.