Now here's the issue on the KSP:
Notes (at the very first Step) with a time shift below 0 aren't being played, when I'm pressing the play-button.
But so does i.e. the DrumBrutes base drum.
I think this is by design! It make sense to start at the beginning of the first bar instead of something in the past. Every note pushed out of the first bar will be part of the adjacent bar.
Often this spanning over the start of a bar, a anacrusis (in dutch language called “opmaat”) can, as example, be found in the air intake before the vocals start.
As far as I know this situation occurs in every pro(fessional) DAW and can be solved by adding an additional empty bar at the start. Correct me if I’m wrong.
Hi marcel-x,
thank you for your reply.
I believe, I get you.
So, it might be more of a theoretical fallacy.
Then I'll have to create an "intro-patch" as work-around.
Right now, I'm not really using a DAW.
It's just a few VSTs being controlled by the KSP via USB. (Buffersize 512 samples, 48k Hz)
Just to describe it in another way:
The First step on the KSP/VST feels lagged (by about a 32nd note), when the sequence starts anew or the pattern is switched, due to this time window from -50 to -1.
Sorry, I'm bad at explaining
Would it be okay, to upload a small audio file or would this conflict with the community guide lines?
thank you and kind regards,
The setup:
KSP --USB --> Laptop (With 2-3 vsts) >-- USB --> Audio Interface --> Headphones
|-- MIDI Cable --> DrumBrute >-- 1/4 inch Cinch --> Audio Interface --> Headphones