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Arturia Forums

Author Topic: No documentation for Function Key mappings in DAW modes Cubase & Standard MCU  (Read 897 times)


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The actual function key outputs must be documented for the "DAW Commands": "Tracks Controls" and "Global Controls". For Mackie Control in Cubase (and any other DAW) you can map the following buttons: User A, User B, F1, Shift F1, F2, Shift-F2, …, F8, Shift-F8. In DAW mode knowing which function keys are being output to the DAW when the corresponding buttons are pressed on the Keylab is critical to properly setup any Mackie Control device. Yet Arturia does not document these anywhere? It should be in both the User Documentation and the firmware release notes (in case they change with with firmware updates).

This link is mentioned many times in this forum:
Perhaps it contained the missing documentation?

Unfortunately it is dead and gives a "Page Not Found" error when clicked. I have opened a request for a complete list of function key outputs for DAW modes Cubase and Standard MCU. I will post them here when/if I get a reply. In the mean time if any else has discovered this magical information from the dead link then please post it here.

« Last Edit: February 03, 2022, 12:29:18 am by RexRocks »


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Hello, I'm no expert on the topic but I use cubase with a keylab mkII and emailing the official Arturia support helped me with most of the setup, just like you I counldn't find many info on the Keylab/Cubase combo online, so I emailed them and they helped me quickly and in great detail.

Don't know why there's nothing on the internet regarding this topic lol


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