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Author Topic: V Collection 7 presets with V Collection 8?  (Read 1267 times)


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V Collection 7 presets with V Collection 8?
« on: November 26, 2021, 11:53:15 pm »
Hello there, folks.

I just upgraded from V Collection 7 to V Collection 8.

When I went to activate it, I realized that V Collection 8 is a completely separate install from V Collection 7.

My band has been using V Collection 7 for quite a while now, and we have quite a few custom presets that we have created in V Collection 7.

The question is, is there a way to export the custom presets I created in V Collection 7, and apply them to V Collection 8?

Thank you, looking forward to your replies.



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Re: V Collection 7 presets with V Collection 8?
« Reply #1 on: November 28, 2021, 05:51:00 am »
Just responded to a similar question as you were posting this. :) --  Anyway, if there is a converter.. I am unaware of it.  Here was the relevant portion of my response on the other thread..

You will have to manually convert your saved presets to the newer version of the instruments.  In some cases *cough* Jup-8... you may have to completely re-do the presets, because functionality has been dropped (splits and layers dont exist in the Jup-8 V4 - but you can simulate that, by instead re-writing the preset in Analog Lab??).  To your question -- moving presets from the old versions to the new is a manual process, that isn't necessarily cut-n-dry nor easy (otherwise Arturia would have provided a converter, and converted all the existing factory patches to the new versions ... which they didnt.


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