Please could someone from Arturia confirm that Arturia is reading the users requests?
I can see the KSP taking a main place and replace other gear in my studio, cause it's really a great machine, but I'd love to be able to not have to hold the momentary HOLD button when I want to transpose an ARP or a SEQ.
IMHO the KSP is missing a latch function on the transpose button. I see online that I'm far to be the only one who thinks it is a very useful function.
Why not make it to latch instead? And if you really want to keep the momentary function, then find a key combo for the latch. It's cool to have a transpose function, but IMHO it has to be practical and playable to make sense.
It's pretty frustrating to not get any news or feedback on customers requests. I think this is a crucial point that many manufacturers truly underestimate.