Win 10, patched up to date, plogue bidule is host, Pigments 3 up to date.
I am trying to setup mpe for pigments on my guitar synth setup, which is a hexaphonic pickup output through and Axon AX50 pitch tpo MIDI processor. I have it partially working. the hex pickup is able to send notes from each string on its own channel (eg, standard guitar tuning, High e=ch1, b=ch2, g=ch3, d=ch4, a=ch5, low E =ch6. so any notes played on the D string for example, will go to channel 3. Since I have literally hundreds of plugin presets that depend on this, I used the high zone so that global messages go through Ch. 16 instead of Ch1. The notes work fine, with individual pitch bend for each string.
My pitch-midi converter, an Axon Ax50, has a cool feature where you can map the location of your picking to a CC, so picking near the neck sends a low value, and as you move picking toward the bridge, it goes to high values. I have this set to CC1, so my pick hand is the mod wheel. The pickup sends CC1 separately for each string, as with the notes. I monitored remapped CC1 to CC74, and checked what is going into Pigments, which is six channels of independent CC74 values. In pigments, my MPE settings in the first settings tab are as follows: Enabled, Upper zone, 6 Channels, 48 semitones PB, slide mode is absolute, Slide CC is CC74. I want a simple mpe control of wavefolding amount, but do not see anywhere on the controller bar where there is a CC74 available.
So under MIDI settings, I changed the manual configuration of CC 74 from "filter freq" to "fold." The MIDI settings tab manual mapping only allows setting 1 Channel at a time, though. And that channel does not produce anything even though CC 74 values are going into pigments midi in for each channel. One odd thing is that the master volume setting (CC7) in midi settings tab just changes the channel as it receives volume changes. So the Master Volume is getting per-string volume CC7s. The Fold amount on Wavetable 1 showed red to indicate it was connected to something. The only thing connected is CC 74 on Channel n, where n = one of 1-6 in the manual MIDI setup. But when I played, sending six channels of CC 74 into pigments, the fold amount remained still, even when I sent CC74 on the correct channel as per the midi setup tab.
I then tried changing the slide value to CC 1 and removing the remapper in my host so it sent CC1 into Pigments instead of CC 74. Unless I missed something, this should have worked according to what
LBH said, namely: "Roli Slide = A midi CC modulator. The set MIDI CC is in generel Midi used for Filter Cutoff.
If you set it to Midi CC#01, then it wheel control the Modwheel. - In pigments You can see the Modwheel modulator in the center modulator strip named MW."
Again, a MIDI monitor in my host showed the right data going into Pigments for CC1 on all six channels, but the modwheel indicator in the Source modulator bar did not show any change, just a flat line. I tried hooking the ModWheel in the source bar up to the Wavetable 1 Fold amount, but the MW in the sources bar remained flatlined when I sent CC1 from my guitar synth. In contrast, if I moved the Pigments internal GUI mod wheel, the wavetable fold moved fine.
Incidentally, when not in MPE on my controller, and all CC's, Notes, PBs are coming over channel 1, the MW source flatlined then, but I could use my host instead of Pigments to Map CC1 on channel 1 to the MW Source in the modulator source bar and everything it modulated worked fine, just in MIDI Ch1 only rather than MPE.
So somehow, one CC is getting through from my controller as MPE, (CC7), but neither CC74 nor CC1 is getting picked up by pigments at all, even though it is going in to pigments in the correct way.
Any help sorting this out is greatly appreciated.Thanks in advance.