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Author Topic: Keylab 61 Sliders not working when trying to control parameters in Kontakt  (Read 3981 times)


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I have had a Keylab 61 MK2 for a year or two now but have only just started using some of the additional features. I need to control expression and vibrato in Spitfire Studio Strings, but I can't get the sliders on the right of the controller to make that happen. I can control dynamics with the Mod Wheel, but the midi learn feature just isn't working.

I'm using FL Studio 20, a Windows 10 PC, and the controller is plugged directly into a USB socket. I've already been trying to crack this for a while so any help is appreciated.

Thanks a lot!


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This seems to be about how Spitfire Studio Strings works.
Have you looked in the Spitfire Studio Strings manual about Expressions?
Perhaps you have to use a specific midi cc number for the Expressions.


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Yes, I have. Studio Strings has the same midi learn feature that a lot of Kontakt instruments have, where you right click and select a midi CC channel. Interestingly, I can map both expression and vibrato to the mod wheel (which usually has dynamics mapped to it), so I know Spitfire strings isn't the problem. When I try to map the sliders to the respective controls using the same process I used to map the mod wheel, nothing happens. Strangely, I can map the knobs above, except they only go to either 0 or 50% values, which obviously isn't useful.


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Are your Keylab MK2 in User mode, when you try this?

I can map the knobs above, except they only go to either 0 or 50% values, which obviously isn't useful.
Are your encoders set to a Relative mode or to Absolute mode? A screenshot of your settings in midi control center for a encoder you have tried to assign might help to help.

I can map both expression and vibrato to the mod wheel (which usually has dynamics mapped to it),
What happens if you set a Keylab fader to midi cc 01? A screenshot like described above for this fader might help to help.

Can you in a midi monitor see midi cc data is sent, when you use the keylab faders?
If yes - then your controller work.

Can you get it all to work with standalone applications outside your DAW FL Studio?

Do you use Kontakt full version or the player?
Have you tried to use midi learn in other applications than kontakt? Does all the controls work there?

Can you please post a link for the Spitfire string manual? That might also help to help.


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Personally i'd just buy an expression pedal, is there any particular reason why this simplest option isn't feasible for you?
2022 Apple Studio Max 32/32/2TB Monterey • V Collection 9 • Analog Lab 4 + 5 • KeyLab 88 • KeyStep


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So, I have now set my encoders to relative mode. Interestingly, when in User mode, I can see on the little screen that the CC channels are working, but no CC stuff is getting picked up by my DAW - the mod wheel and keys still work, but no sliders.

I mapped the CC1 to a fader and that successfully worked. My theory is that FL Studio is not picking up the CC info that is being sent from the controller, or is unable to read it properly. I'm using the full version of Kontakt and the sliders don't work in other applications. I can see in FL that when I use the fader assigned to CC1 the DAW detects midi info, but it's not detecting any midi info when I use the faders assigned to other CC channels.


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I can see in FL that when I use the fader assigned to CC1 the DAW detects midi info, but it's not detecting any midi info when I use the faders assigned to other CC channels.
How do you see what FL Studio detect?

I mapped the CC1 to a fader and that successfully worked.
Is this your Spitfire product: ?
If so, then please read "5. EXPRESSION CONTROLS". It look like, they wan't you to use certain midi cc's for certain expressions.
But please keep in mind, that you probably have other ways to control the application in your DAW.

In case FL Studio actually does filter out midi cc's, then i think it's about the way you have set up and perhaps mapped your controller in FL Studio. Please be sure you have done everything correct.

I don't use FL Studio, so i can't help you with that.

FYI: Usually Absolute modes for encoders work. When using Relative modes the choosen relative mode need to be supported to work.

At this point based on the things you choose to provide, then i don't see anything, that can't be about the way you do things.
It can be very important to test and inform correct. I have to read between the lines as it is. I need informations to tell more.
As you mention you think FL Studio as the problem, then it look like, you have'nt testet midi learn with a standalone application outside FL Studio. It could be the old Massive (Not Massive X) from NI Komplete, as it sound like you have Komplete. You can also try with Arturia applications outside your DAW.
If things work outside your DAW, then you know there is something to solve in Fl Studio.

Just in case: Remember to move a control like a fader/ slider that you wish to assign a parameter fully in both directions. That sometimes is needed to assign a control. It sound like you have'nt tried to assign controls before.


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Personally i'd just buy an expression pedal, is there any particular reason why this simplest option isn't feasible for you?
Hi MajorFubar.

Expressions in Kontakt instruments like this is refering to different kind of control/ articulation parameters. A single expression pedal can only be used to control one. In this instrument midi cc 11 is set to control the instrument Volume. Also keep in mind, that an expression pedal also just send out on a selective midi cc.


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My Keylab 61 Essential had the same problem as the OP, with the knobs and faders flipping between 0 and 50% when assigned. I found switching the map to one of the "User" settings allowed the knobs and sliders to adjust smoothly from 0 to 127 for all relevant Kontakt and other plugin parameters.

On the left of the keyboard, press "Map Select" and then press a pad with "User 1" or "User 2" etc written under it. Press "Map Select" again to save that setting.

For more detail, see:


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