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Author Topic: Expression pedal issues...  (Read 1593 times)


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Expression pedal issues...
« on: April 18, 2021, 08:52:58 pm »
So I get to the gig yesterday, and after working fine at the studio, the expression pedal had pretty much no level up top about 40, then between 40-60 jumped to full level? It''s a Boss FV-500L pedal. Also there is a fair amount of digital noise when activating the pedal up and down.

Anyone have any idea about what is happening and how to fix it?



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Re: Expression pedal issues...
« Reply #1 on: August 28, 2021, 09:30:53 am »
I am using a Yamaha FC-7 expression pedal and had the same issues.

I found that the wiring of the plug (pedal) is opposite to the wiring of the socket (Keylab), so that the potentiometer is connected wrongly: "hot" and "wiper" contacts (or lets say signal "input" and "output") are reversed.

I solved it by interconnecting adapters to separate the lines and swap it:

Yamaha phone plug (male) -> phone plug adapter (stereo, female) to dual RCA (cinch) -> cross red and white line -> dual RCA (cinch) to phone plug (stereo, male) -> Keylab socket

Hope this helps.



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