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Author Topic: This is the easiest way to create patches from scratch using DX7  (Read 5158 times)


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I use to be so intimidated by DX7 and FM synthesis in general! I recently recorded myself making a patch from scratch using DX7 for the first time and it's actually extremely easy! Do you guys use DX7? And if so what are some of your favorite DX7 tips and tricks?



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Re: This is the easiest way to create patches from scratch using DX7
« Reply #1 on: November 23, 2020, 09:39:24 pm »
I use to be so intimidated by DX7 and FM synthesis in general! I recently recorded myself making a patch from scratch using DX7 for the first time and it's actually extremely easy!
Using a Operator Filter and the Effect section has nothing to do with FM synthesis. It's good Arturias version has this, but the original DX7 did'nt even have Filters and Effects. No one can learn anything useful about FM synthesis watching the video you have posted a link for.
You in example use 2 operators, but it look like you don't know what you actually do with them. So you spend the time with a Filter and the Effects instead.

You say several wrong things in your video. I suggest you remove the video from the web, so no one risk learning wrong things.

Perhaps you should read the DX7 V manual for a beginning. That's a tip.

Look like you actually are trying to get someone to learn you stuff, that you can use for a Youtube video playlist, and trying to get you subscribers.

I will not recommend either the video or a subscribtion to anyone as it is now.
« Last Edit: November 23, 2020, 09:41:00 pm by LBH »


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Re: This is the easiest way to create patches from scratch using DX7
« Reply #2 on: November 24, 2020, 02:15:35 am »
I appreciate the input and would totally agree with you if the title was "learning fm synthesis" but it's not. The whole purpose of the video is to get people to jump in and start creating patches from scratch because so many people don't even use certain synths because of perceived difficulty and as a result, we hear a bunch of recycled presets and sounds that everybody uses on so many records. At the end of the day, I was able to make a dope patch extremely fast using a perceived to be difficult synth and have gotten a lot of positive feedback from people that actually did what I did in the video and learned a lot. But I will take your advice and read the manual to learn every aspect of the synth. As long as people strive to be creative and authentic in their sound design and find my content useful and helpful in pursuing that, I don't really worry about the people that don't find it helpful because it's just not for them and I'm ok with that. Peace!


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Re: This is the easiest way to create patches from scratch using DX7
« Reply #3 on: November 24, 2020, 09:46:08 pm »
I appreciate the input and would totally agree with you if the title was "learning fm synthesis" but it's not. The whole purpose of the video is to get people to jump in and start creating patches from scratch because so many people don't even use certain synths because of perceived difficulty and as a result, we hear a bunch of recycled presets and sounds that everybody uses on so many records. At the end of the day, I was able to make a dope patch extremely fast using a perceived to be difficult synth and have gotten a lot of positive feedback from people that actually did what I did in the video and learned a lot. But I will take your advice and read the manual to learn every aspect of the synth. As long as people strive to be creative and authentic in their sound design and find my content useful and helpful in pursuing that, I don't really worry about the people that don't find it helpful because it's just not for them and I'm ok with that. Peace!

But then why did you post that video in the context of sayíng the FM synthesis - that you apparantly know nothing about - is easy?

And why not teach the FM synthesis, that you according to your first post have learned to be easy, instead of keeping people away from it, as that is the barrier, that you actually claim, you wan't to break down with your video - or what? It make no sense, except you wan't subscribers.
I was clearly spot on in my first post.

The fact still is, that you say things in the video that show, that you have absolutely no idea about how the synth structure is, or about how the signal flow is, about FM synthesis, or about what you are doing.
It's does'nt matter what the video is about, as it has some very wrong informations anyway.

It's not even the easiest way to create a none FM synthesis 2 saw detuned sound in DX7 V, if that's what you want to do. It''s actually not, what you are doing. (EDIT - i see you now write PWM techniques in your text for the video and dropped detune/ PWM, but that's not the correct description of what you are doing. either, even if it can sound like it. A PWM like - and actual a vintage way of doing a PWM like effect  on synth that did'nt have PWM, can also be done easier. The thing is you talk about detune and finding sweetspots for a level in the video, and that's it. EDIT END.)
What is it you are doing, with that operator 2? I know, but it does'nt look like you know, what you are doing. Is that what the video is about? If not, then why do you spend so much time with it, and spend time with given misinformations about other operators in your sound?

After reading the manual, you should be able to understand, that you make absolutely no sense in the video, and do wrong teaching.

A very long video to learn nothing or to learn wrong things, that is what it is.
And you clearly want to appear like you know about this stuff. There is nothing that indicate you know about this stuff.
You clearly also think, you are making educational videos. You are not. You misinform.

Some can be taught a cars gas pedal is the break pedal and the other way around, and be happy about it, and feel they have learned something, untill they find out, that the teaching was totally wrong. After that they may have learn to do it correct, based on the wrong result, if they have survived. So if someone say they learned something, then i think that's the reason.
It's allways possible to learn something, also from others mistakes.
You are responsible for doing correct teaching, if that's what you wan't. That also mean to correct and remove wrong teaching.

I still will not recommend anyone to take any learning from the video or to subscribe your playlist.

Again - please remove the video from the web, if you wan't to claim you do educational videos.
« Last Edit: November 25, 2020, 12:40:23 am by LBH »


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Re: This is the easiest way to create patches from scratch using DX7
« Reply #4 on: November 25, 2020, 04:40:55 am »
But then why did you post that video in the context of sayíng the FM synthesis - that you apparantly know nothing about - is easy?

You my friend are trolling. I specifically said "easiest way to create patches from scratch USING DX7" nowhere in the post or the video do I specify I know anything about FM synthesis programming specifically.

The fact still is, that you say things in the video that show, that you have absolutely no idea about how the synth structure is, or about how the signal flow is, about FM synthesis, or about what you are doing.
It's does'nt matter what the video is about, as it has some very wrong informations anyway.

I state in the post and the video that I can show you an easy way to make a synth sound from scratch using DX7 and that's exactly what I did. I did it fast and it sounds really good. As a matter of fact the only time I even say FM is while referring to the type of synth DX7 is. Never once do I go into detail about my knowledge on FM synthesis.

It's not even the easiest way to create a none FM synthesis 2 saw detuned sound in DX7 V, if that's what you want to do. It''s actually not, what you are doing.

You sound bitter and angry sir. My purpose is to inspire producers to explore synthesis and create unique sounds from scratch instead of just surfing through presets. If you're against that then why are you here?
After reading the manual, you should be able to understand, that you make absolutely no sense in the video, and do wrong teaching.

If I made no sense then the sound I created in the video would reflect that but it doesn't. I get so many direct messages from people saying they love the content and use it as a starting point to help them program. If you don't connect with the content don't partake. I know for a fact my videos help people so I feel very good about that.

It's allways possible to learn something, also from others mistakes.
You are responsible for doing correct teaching, if that's what you wan't. That also mean to correct and remove wrong teaching.

If viewers learn from my mistakes then I'm happy about that as well. Some of my best lessons in life were from people sharing their mistakes with me so I would know exactly what to avoid.

Again - please remove the video from the web, if you wan't to claim you do educational videos.

I would take it down, but I get way too much positive feedback from people that I'm actually helping get better with synth programming. You're basically watching as I progress and explore synthesis and learn and grow as a producer/composer/songwriter, and content creator. I will never stop! You have a lot of hate in your heart my friend and it's really sad. Can you show me anything you've done to help someone striving to do what you actively do? And if you can you should stick to that and hone in on that craft instead of spreading hate LBH. If not you should find what makes you happy and pursue that diligently!

Anyway, this will be my last response to you sir.


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Re: This is the easiest way to create patches from scratch using DX7
« Reply #5 on: November 25, 2020, 04:32:48 pm »
You asked about tips in your first post.
I have actually been giving you tips, pointers and critic.  And then you get angry and hateful!

I think i've made my points in my previous posts. My first reply was clearly spot on.

I don't have the goal to get subscribers  and what comes with it, that seem to be your only goal. I help and share without.
There is nothing in my critic, that's wrong, like your response also show.
I'm glad you here actually agree with me, so why you think that's hateful can anyone wonder about.

You could in your videos tell, that you have no idea, what you are doing, but that when one just dive into a synth, then it's possible to create sounds, like the one you create. And then avoid all the misinformation you spread, and avoid making things more complicated than they are, as you say that's your intention.
And you could tell, that it's possible to learn by error and mistakes just by doing, but that it also could be a good idea to seek informations, if something need to be solved or one would like to get inspired.
You could be clear, that it's not a educational video.
Why don't you do that, if you don't wan't to give a false impression of knowleadge? I suggest you do that. That's also a tip.

I'm not trolling. But you actually was/ is fishing it look like.



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Re: This is the easiest way to create patches from scratch using DX7
« Reply #6 on: March 18, 2021, 12:07:50 am »
I have both a hardware DX7 and the Arturia version....and I just want to point out that your video got me started in creating my own patches, in a very simple, well described way of doing things.  Based on your topic description, I did not expect a masterclass in FM Synthesis.  So anyone complaining you have misrepresented yourself has clearly got a chip on their shoulder or ulterior motives for their negative posts.  Thank you for helping me get a basic understanding of how to manipulate a machine that has, until now, been a complete mystery to me.  My tracks are already sounding more unique than i expected them to.


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