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Author Topic: Uneven velocity on Keylab MkII 88  (Read 2144 times)


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Uneven velocity on Keylab MkII 88
« on: September 08, 2020, 12:32:54 am »
Hi everyone,

on my new Keylab MkII 88, I have a key (G3) that sends higher velocity values than other keys (approx. 10-15 higher). While playing Piano this uneven velocity is hearable a lot, and I always have to trim the velocity values of the G3 note to match the velocity range of the other notes played.

Currently, I use a Logic Environment transformer to reduce the velocity values of the G3 note by 10. But this does not work for standalone use, of course. Is there any way to trim/change the velocity curve of a single key? I just do not want to send the whole controller to the Arturia service just for this single velocity adjustment.

Best regards,


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Re: Uneven velocity on Keylab MkII 88
« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2022, 01:10:31 pm »

Same problem here, only changes the note.. Is there any solution for that?


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Re: Uneven velocity on Keylab MkII 88
« Reply #2 on: February 26, 2022, 04:24:29 pm »
I have the same problem with a Keylab 88 Mk II in the UK, even after it has been serviced by the UK distributor: velocity values are consistently uneven.

To reproduce the problem, I play a cluster of notes using the spine of a hardback book with the faulty note in the centre. Without exception, the faulty note sends a velocity value about 9% higher than all other notes. Unfortunately, there are many such notes on my controller, which makes it of little practical use.

I am working with Arturia to find a solution, but as I have a second Keylab 88 Mk II that exhibits exactly the same issue, I would be very wary of recommending this product until a solution is found. Thankfully, the product is under warranty.


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