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Author Topic: DX7 V Automation problems - Can't draw lines and it's really steppy.  (Read 2512 times)


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Can't draw lines / curves, etc in Cubase 7 & 9.5 when trying to automate the operators. 

The big steps are where I tried deleting out the individual data points and tried to draw a straight line.  Won't let me draw lines.

I've attached what it looks like.  Or at least I tried to.. this forum software is not the best.  And seriously FOUR security questions to answer to post?


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Re: DX7 V Automation problems - Can't draw lines and it's really steppy.
« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2020, 04:24:05 pm »
Hi and welcome to Arturia forums.

The plugin is'nt responsible for how you can draw lines in a DAW. So it sound strange to me, if it's only with Arturias plugins, you can't draw straight lines in your DAW. Is that the case?

I suggest you ask in Cubase forum about your older cubase's. Your issue  seems to be about your DAWs.


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Re: DX7 V Automation problems - Can't draw lines and it's really steppy.
« Reply #2 on: August 17, 2020, 08:50:28 am »
After working on it some more, it's not all parameters that have this problem.  I tried the volume and it worked as expected.  It seems to be the operators in DX7 V that are what I'm having problems with. 

It may very well be a Cubase problem.  May other people can confirm?

I'd like to know if anyone else has had this problem with these parameters. 


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