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Author Topic: Update 7.2 - Share an SSD ?  (Read 4558 times)


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Update 7.2 - Share an SSD ?
« on: June 30, 2020, 03:03:17 am »
I did the update to 7.2 a couple of days ago.  THANK YOU Arturia!  Great, that I can save disk space, by pointing my Arturia folders to an external SSD!  Sweet!  What I havent been able to figure out though, is how to use that same SSD with my other computer.  Specifically, I would like the ability to use TWO computers, pointing to the same Arturia libraries on a SSD.  If I try and point a second computer... it trys to copy the same files to the SSD, and stops.  Say that there is already a copy of the Arturia files there.   Is there a way, to change a config file or something - to point at the SSD where I have already installed the files?

If anyone has figured this out - i would greatly appreciate hearing how to make it work.  Thanks!



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Re: Update 7.2 - Share an SSD ?
« Reply #1 on: June 30, 2020, 04:50:51 pm »
I'm on Windows, but i assume it's similar if you use MAC.
I have'nt tried. But i would think, it should work, if the drive name/ id is the same on both computers. Did you ensure your drive id was the same, when you installed, and that the drive id is the same as when you installed, when you switch between computers?


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Re: Update 7.2 - Share an SSD ?
« Reply #2 on: July 01, 2020, 03:49:32 am »
I'm on Windows, but i assume it's similar if you use MAC.
I have'nt tried. But i would think, it should work, if the drive name/ id is the same on both computers. Did you ensure your drive id was the same, when you installed, and that the drive id is the same as when you installed, when you switch between computers?

Yes.  The physical SSD show up with the same name on all OSX systems I plug it into.  no joy here yet. . .


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Re: Update 7.2 - Share an SSD ?
« Reply #3 on: July 01, 2020, 04:52:47 am »
Perhaps i did'nt read your first post closely enough.

Don't you get an option to continue the install without installing the library files again, when you get the message you mention?
I assume the applications and plugins is and shall be installed on both computers, and you will have both installs to share the same libraries.

I also assume, you have ASC installed on both computers. I would think some verification need to be on both computers, to prevent use on a unlimited number of computers.


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Re: Update 7.2 - Share an SSD ?
« Reply #4 on: July 01, 2020, 03:35:49 pm »
For anyone interested in using a Shared SSD across more than a single Mac, for your Arturia instruments..  It works.  I ended up re-installing V Collection from the two separate systems, in order to get pointers, configurations, licensing, etc happy.  There are some niggling issues when you're done, so do this at your own risk.  Your mileage may vary.  Professional driver on closed course.  Yadda yadda...  Here is what worked for me...

1. Launch Arturia Software Center on one of the systems.  Follow the Arturia directions on moving Arturia resources to a different drive.  This video is what worked for me -> .  When this is done.  There should now be an "Arturia" folder on your external SSD.  This process will link things up, so that the Arturia V Collection instruments will work from this drive.
2. Rename the newly created Arturia folder on your SSD to something other than Arturia or move the folder to a backup drive somewhere.  You do not want the "Arturia" folder on your SSD before the next step, or the process will complain / get stuck.
3. On the other Mac, launch Arturia Software Center and follow the directions for moving Arturia resources to a different drive (same video as above). When prompted for 'where' - point the installer at the same external drive you installed in the first step. This will re-install all the Arturia stuff from the other Mac onto the SSD.  It will also link things up, so that the Arturia V Collection instruments will work from this drive.

Done?  Well not quite.  I found I needed to get out of Arturia Software Center completely.. and relaunch.  It prompted me this first time, for my Arturia credentials.  Then after verifying everything worked, I plugged my SSD into the other computer and launched Arturia Software Center.  Once again, I was prompted for my Arturia credentials.   In both cases... it was only the first time after moving / pointing Arturia resources at the external drive, that I was prompted for the credentials.

The good?  Patches, Playlists, etc all get moved to your shared SSD.  Create or update a patch on one system?  When you plug the external drive into the other system - those changes are all there.  Groovy.

The bad?  Well.. If you launch an Arturia instrument, or Arturia Software Center, or Analog Lab, etc...  and DONT have the SSD/External drive plugged into the system, it dies a horrible death.  You will get an error saying that the Arturia product you were trying to launch quit unexpectedly.  You can Ignore, Report... or Reopen. What you cannot do though, is successfully launch the product.  You HAVE to have the SSD/External drive plugged in.  Definitely some kinks to work out.  I suspect (or hope) Arturia will fix this mess.. and make it easier to install/link from another system, and not error out if you're not connected to the external drive.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2020, 03:38:06 pm by JDoo »


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Re: Update 7.2 - Share an SSD ?
« Reply #5 on: July 01, 2020, 06:53:11 pm »
If this is the only way to do it, then i doubt, it's meant to be used this way, or there is options missing, that Arturia will correct or add.
Options to select to install and update applications on a computer without installing ressources - or secondly to overwrite excisting ressources - is needed, if this shall work smoothly in the long run. It shall be like just setting a path to the rssources, if you wish to, like you've mentioned.
I'm thinking about, if you will have to do the same all over each time ressources gets updates, if this option does'nt excist? And then don't forget that user content shall be kept on the used path. That can be a lot of work to manage.
That's why i asked about that option.

The bad?  Well.. If you launch an Arturia instrument, or Arturia Software Center, or Analog Lab, etc...  and DONT have the SSD/External drive plugged into the system, it dies a horrible death.  You will get an error saying that the Arturia product you were trying to launch quit unexpectedly.  You can Ignore, Report... or Reopen. What you cannot do though, is successfully launch the product.  You HAVE to have the SSD/External drive plugged in.  Definitely some kinks to work out.  I suspect (or hope) Arturia will fix this mess.. and make it easier to install/link from another system, and not error out if you're not connected to the external drive.
I would say, you can't exspect to be able to open/ work with applications on a computer, if GUI and other ressources are installed on a disconnected drive.


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Re: Update 7.2 - Share an SSD ?
« Reply #6 on: July 03, 2020, 05:51:13 am »
I'm backing away from my original post. LBH - I owe you an apology... some of what you said is true, and I stubbornly tried to power my way through it.  There was an update a couple of days ago, touching many of the V Collection synths.  I applied that update on one of my systems connected to the shared SSD.  When I later plugged that SSD into the other Mac, ASC was still confused on that Mac, and was telling me to apply the updates.  Square one (if you don't like nag pages).  So i ended up just re-installing the V Collection on that Mac, and using the SSD on the Mac I am using, that was low on disk space.  Single-usage external storage for V Collection.  It's still great that I can break out the library onto an external drive -- I just cant share it.

What I have really been trying to do though - was share my personal presets on a couple of computers.  That.. is a snap, and doesn't require an external drive.  ~/library/Arturia/Presets are where those are stored.  This is also, bending what Arturia intends for us to do (or it would probably have been a menu option) --- but (if youre using the same version of V Collection) you can copy the Presets folder from one computer to another.  It's probably a good idea to rename / backup the Presets folder you're replacing... but this all works, doesnt involve trying to fool installers, and is a lot quicker.

« Last Edit: August 15, 2020, 04:40:07 pm by JDoo »


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