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Author Topic: Bugs or not?  (Read 1749 times)


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Bugs or not?
« on: April 16, 2020, 06:51:54 pm »
Nice solid unit at the first!!
These functions looks strange in my opinion.
In case i record a sequence step by step the velocityvalue it's like the value of the encoder .Same in stepeditmode but not in realtimerecord.
Recorded as played like the keystep,which problem should it be???
In case i start the KSP in autoclockmode with my daw,after breakup the application must be set the KSP back to "internal" or restart.Otherwise he dont start.
Exist not a way to transpose all tracks at the same time like the BSP?
To transpose a single track must be press the "Trans" button,why this and not like the keystep?
Its there not a way to record a whole or a part of a arpeegio like the  MB2s does?

« Last Edit: April 16, 2020, 08:35:23 pm by TinyVince »


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Re: Bugs or not?
« Reply #1 on: April 23, 2020, 12:06:55 pm »

In case i record a sequence step by step the velocityvalue it's like the value of the encoder .Same in stepeditmode but not in realtimerecord.

Indeed, the reference velocity is managed by the knob when adding steps manually.
However, in real time recording, the velocity of each key press is recorded.

In case i start the KSP in autocloc kmode with my daw,after breakup the application must be set the KSP back to "internal" or restart.Otherwise he dont start.
Can you please report this to the support? It's maybe a bug.

Exist not a way to transpose all tracks at the same time like the BSP?

It will be implemented soon !

To transpose a single track must be press the "Trans" button,why this and not like the keystep?

Because the design is different and with the grouped transpose that will come later, it needed to work differently

Its there not a way to record a whole or a part of a arpeegio like the  MB2s does?

Not at the moment, but this is a great feature request that you can submit to the support !

Best regards and stay safe



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Re: Bugs or not?
« Reply #2 on: April 23, 2020, 07:34:52 pm »
Thanks for the answers  Edouard.


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