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Author Topic: How to Prevent KeyStep from starting other sequencers downstream  (Read 3003 times)


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I am relatively new to MIDI and I just got a brand new KeyStep Black. I've installed the MIDI Control Center and updated the firmware in the KeyStep to the newest version. But I had to use an old version of the MCC because the latest version just wouldn't run on my laptop for some reason. Win7 Pro on ThinkPad T430. I am using a Behringer CRAVE and a Yamaha QY10 as sound sources, and each of these has its own sequencer. The QY10 is polyphonic and the CRAVE is mono. I have the QY10 on MIDI channel 1 and the CRAVE on MIDI channel 16 and I can switch the KeyStep back and forth and play the instruments manually just fine, and everything seems to work as it should.... EXCEPT:

My issue is that every time I try to use the sequencer on the KeyStep even to record,  it also starts the sequencers playing in the CRAVE and the Yamaha QY10.  It doesn't matter what MIDI channels I have set in the synths or the KeyStep. The notes and other controls are routed correctly as I choose but the sequencer transport signals go to everything no matte what I've tried.

How do I stop the KeyStep from sending transport signals to the other sequencers?


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Re: How to Prevent KeyStep from starting other sequencers downstream
« Reply #1 on: March 23, 2020, 04:11:35 pm »
Never mind, I figured it out. The downstream sequencers have to be set _not_ to accept the transport signals from the KeyStep. There doesn't seem to be any way to configure the KeyStep just to not send the transport signals. (Why not?????)
In the QY10 set "MIDI Control" to OFF
In the Behringer Crave Synth Tool select "Deactivated" in Sequencer Auto Sync
And now it doesn't pass thru the transport signal to the model:samples so nothing had to be set in there.

Success! Now I can start and stop and record the KeyStep's own sequencer, have it play any of the other devices, and/or use Keyboard Play to jam along with the sequence which is playing on a different device than I am using to jam.

This only took two days and multiple forum searches to figure out.  It would have been so easy just to turn off MMC in the MCC and have it actually stop sending transport signals downstream at all. Or do it with a key combo from the front panel, live.

rami fakhr

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Re: How to Prevent KeyStep from starting other sequencers downstream
« Reply #2 on: March 03, 2023, 06:15:42 am »
have the same issue can you h help me solve it
arturia drumbrute midi out
Behringer crave midi in

can you send me exactly your settings on midi control centre of arturia , im also new to midi world


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