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Author Topic: CV/trig out  (Read 1431 times)


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CV/trig out
« on: February 10, 2020, 07:16:26 pm »
So I just got a keylab mkii. The cv/trig out let me control my two vintage Roland SH-5s, which is fantastic! Next, of course, I started looking for a way to pass midi notes from my DAW through the arturia to my SH-5s. Huh? Looks like that’s a no? WTF!? So close, and yet so far away.

Hey, is there a developers kit for this keyboard?

This is,


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Re: CV/trig out
« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2020, 04:19:23 pm »
The controller will not act as a pass-through device to convert incoming MIDI or USB to cv/trig, it's not designed to do that, they are effectively incompatible protocols, one being analog and one being digital. It will route incoming MIDI data from another device to your DAW via USB, and I believe it will route incoming MIDI from your DAW to another device via MIDI Out, but not to cv/trig.
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Re: CV/trig out
« Reply #2 on: February 12, 2020, 05:35:32 pm »
I can buy a Doepfer Dark Link USB/MIDI to CV/Gate Interface for under $200. I was hoping/assuming that functionality would be built into this controller. This is a modern digital device. The keyboard on my SH-5 is basically just a long copper ribbon and voltage changes depending on where along the ribbon you create a short. With a modern keyboard you’re controlling software/firmware as soon as you touch anything. Now, it may be that the design, by some unfortunate oversight, prohibits external midi note on/off passing to the cv/gate. Have you seen the schematics? Is there a software developer kit available? I spent most of my career designing recording equipment, now I just play. If it’s possible, I can make it work and I’ll be happy to share. Or I’ll just, sigh, go ahead and buy a Doepfer.


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