Ive looked everywhere, EVERYWHERE but here for a solution to this problem. I have a Microfreak I bought last month and I have not been able to connect it to my computer. I have a USB cable connected to my laptop (Windows 10) (which is always connected to the charger), I have tried different USB connections but none work. My settings under "Bluetooth & other devices" always says that the "Driver is unavailable" for the Arturia Microfreak. I have checked it in on the Device Manager under "Sound, video and game controllers" to see if the computer recognized the driver and it says that the microfreak is "working properly."
I have connected the microfreak to the MIDI on Ableton, but the noise from the synth will not transmit to the computer. Ableton will recognize the keys being touched when I drag a preset for MIDI onto the work area, but the noise from the microfreak will not transmit.
I have tried different software such as Reaper but a similar issue is still there.
I have tried to update the firmware for Microfreak 2.0.3, but the MIDI Control Center always crashes when I press "OK" under the "Download Successful" screen.