I must understand, that the correct preset is still selected, when you open your project, and that only a few presets is being changed, so it's not a generel issue.
Preset parameters should not change by them self.
When you say "no knobs have been touched", then do you mean, after you open the project?
Did you save the project, with the last edits?
Do you have some automation going on, that is being traced, when you open the project? Or are midi CC messages somehow being sent?
Have you tried it in another new and clean Ableton Live project/song and reproduced the issue?
Are all your applications including Live and your OS fully updated?
Are you having the issue with a single application in V-Collection? Which?
I don't use Ableton live. Are you using Ableton Live 10?
I'm on Windows 10. What OS do you use?