As much as I love my KeyLab61 mkII, I'm going to let it go. My interests have turned to gaining competence with piano technique, entailing the need for graded hammer action, and 88-keys, with ease of portability, internal sounds, and some basic midi functionality and so forth. I'll probably end up with a mini controller to satisfy my DAW-related interests.
I'm going to try to sell the KeyLab privately on Kijiji (Canada's Craig List). I''ll leave it hooked up to my computer and studio monitors so any prospective buyer can demo it, try out every knob, key, and pad to see for him/herself that everything works perfectly.
My question is: How can help the eventual buyer? Is there anything I can, or should do, with licenses or registration or anything else to help? When I bought this controller it came bundled with Analog Lab, which I love and Piano V. Since then I've got Pigments 3 and various Arturia VST plug-ins. Now I do not want to violate any intellectural property policies or legal constraints, but wondering if the buyer can somehow avail themselves to any easier access to Arturia's eco-system of offerings.
Or, is the buyer up the creek with such things? I suppose, if nothing else, I can at least let a prospective buyer know I tried.
Thanks for any input on this. Appreciate feedback.