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Author Topic: Microfreaks CV/Gate capable of sending duophonic signal ?  (Read 1792 times)

absolute valentine

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Microfreaks CV/Gate capable of sending duophonic signal ?
« on: August 30, 2019, 09:37:39 am »
Hi guys,

I own an arturia microfreak and i fucking love it !!!
I also use a berhinger NEUTRON, a paraphonic modular, wheni try to control it with my Microfreak, i am not able to send 2 notes message and i can't use the paraphonic mode from the NEUTRON.
Is there any way to be able to send 2 notes message to the neutron at the same time ? as i would like to use my microfreak in live situation



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Re: Microfreaks CV/Gate capable of sending duophonic signal ?
« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2019, 12:57:53 pm »
don't know but please don't use profanities especially in what amounts to just a general question. You've probably become desensitised to your language because it's just the way you talk but please maintain some modicum of propriety on a public forum. If the forum software was at least half decent it would filter swear words, but it doesn't.
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Re: Microfreaks CV/Gate capable of sending duophonic signal ?
« Reply #2 on: August 30, 2019, 08:48:32 pm »
Looking at the Neutron's manual (I don't have one but I do have CV controlled synths) to play paraphonically using CV you would need to send two pitch and two gate CVs to the relevant patchbay inputs on the Neutron, one pair for each note you play.

Which means you would need two pitch and presumably two gate CV outputs on whatever you want to control it from.

The alternatives are to use MIDI for pitch control - cheap, just needs a cable - or to use a MIDI to CV convertor able to input MIDI from the controller keyboard and convert the MIDI to the required number of voltages - much less cheap.
« Last Edit: August 30, 2019, 08:50:20 pm by TLW »


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