FR to set the number of steps for Functions and more. Will also improove the Sequencer/ arp section.
I suggest to be able to set the number of steps for functions, so it also was possible to in example use only 15 steps in a full cycle and alike.
I also suggest a trigger source like "Seq Start" to retrigger the Function each time the sequencers Pitch lane reach Step 1. Seems like it's wrong it does'nt allready, as it apparantly work like a note on right now.
This suggetion apply to all the situations where the "Seq Start" can be used as a "trigger".
(A question: What's the difference between "Gate Source", "Trigger" and "Reset Source"? I would like them all, but it look like they all act the same. And only the Random Binary have the ability to retrigger in a random way by it self. I doubt this work like intended right now. Does it? Am i missing something?)
Also i suggest to add Auto Regen (Randomize) just like the Sequencer have.
And i suggest to be able to connect the Functions to the sequencers Polyrythm Realign.
Beside giving more possibilties to the Functions them selfs, then the above suggestions will also make the Functions to act like full working modulation lanes for the Sequencer/ Arp, even though many possibilities allready excist for this in some situations, but not in all situations.
I've posted this FR's in December 2018: also add to the functionality of many things.
I think this will be true to the fleksible way Pigments is build, and to the current visual design.