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Author Topic: Problems loading presets  (Read 10225 times)

Onyx Corel

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Problems loading presets
« on: May 21, 2019, 10:18:51 pm »
Ahhh... new-product-itis... I am having so much fun, but-

For some reason I am completely unable to load new presets onto my Microfreak from the Midi Control Center. I can make new ones myself, I can save them from the synth onto my computer, but every way that I've tried, it will not load new ones from the computer. I've tried individually via click-and-drag, as well as selecting multiple presets (btw, the GUI also seems to have issues when you try to select a range), as well as flashing entire banks or every patch all at once. Everything fails, and starts generating error messages ("Import Failed - Failed to send Preset B1" for example). I have the Microfreak's memory protection turned entirely off. No effect. I am running the latest firmware ( and my OS is Windows 7.  Any ideas? Thanks in advance to all you beautiful people. Even when they are glitchy, you guys still design some of the most engrossing instruments around. Sincere thanks.

Onyx Corel


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Re: Problems loading presets
« Reply #1 on: May 29, 2019, 09:16:30 am »
Hello Onyx.

Weird, I haven't see that before.

- Tried another cable / computer?

- Is the MIDI passing through?

- Have you tried to uninstall / reinstall the Midi Control Center?

- Uninstalled / reinstalled the USB driver?




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Re: Problems loading presets
« Reply #2 on: May 30, 2019, 02:58:27 am »
I am finding any difficulty I've had with the Microfreak and MIDI Control Center invariably has something to do with multiple drivers/MIDI USB associations by multiple devices on the USB MIDI connection.

This doesn't mean multiple devices connected at the same time; it means multiple devices that have been established on the same MIDI USB port.

I discovered a few years ago when the Minilogue came out that under Windows 10, a maximum of fourteen different MIDI devices is possible (total, not all at the same time). I had to hunt around to find a utility on the Korg website that could clear out old MIDI device associations.

There may be something like that that can help here. Alternately, trying a different USB port with a direct connection (no hubs) may help.

On Mac, it's simpler. I was getting the errors described here with firmware updates, data transmission, until I used the built-in Mac Audio/MIDI application to create a new MIDI (not Default) MIDI Studio connection list, with only my laptop's default devices and the Microfreak on it.  Everything has gone smoothly since, as long as I select this Setup prior to connecting the Microfreak.

Just a fellow MF enthusiast, I hope this helps some in the interim!

Not quite sure how to clear this up on Windows 10
« Last Edit: May 30, 2019, 03:02:22 pm by realtrance »

Onyx Corel

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Re: Problems loading presets
« Reply #3 on: June 06, 2019, 09:42:17 pm »
Sorry about the delay in getting back to this...

Tried uninstall/reinstall on MIDI Control center as well as the Microfreak USB driver, same problem. And the MIDI passes though just fine, as well. It's not the cable, and I only have the one computer to try this on :P. As per Realtrance's suggestion, looked on Korg's website for a utility to clean out old drivers, but only found a Mac version (I missed it at first- see update below), then attempted using a port in the back of the tower, one which I never use.  Same results. If a utility like that exists, I would love a link (it does, sort of - see update below, then Google Korg USB-MIDI Driver if you need it. It didn't help me, though).  OMG, Edouard, that would be a sweet, sweet addition to the next update on MIDI control center, right? A MIDI Driver Zapper Utility? Let's do this! You bring the ray guns and I'll bring the popcorn and 3-D glasses!!! That seems like a good guess, though, Realtrance. For all I know, that might still end up having something to do with it, although I have no idea why I would still be getting MIDI pass-through on USB... I don't know. And it gets weirder. Like, much weirder. OK, I know you guys gotta love a good creepypasta, so you ready for a ghost story? All right, here we go.

So the weird thing is, I can back up my presets to my computer just fine, no problems, but I can't add new ones to the device from the computer. Nothing happens for a moment, then I get the error message. But wait, there's more... If I look in the Microfreak itself (on the OLED) it will show the new patch name in the slot that I sent it to.  But the sound itself is always just the INIT patch. Even more disturbing: if I click and drag a preset in the left panel (the ones on the computer), they slide around like butter (perfect!). But in the right panel, if I attempt to do any click-and-drag rearranging whatsoever (say, move preset 185 to 186), the screen will freeze for a moment, then an error message will tell me that it failed to load the preset, and then... the preset is gone! If I look in the MIDI control center, it is nowhere. Not 185, not 186. If I look at the Microfreak OLED, 185 is back to "Init," and sounds like the Init patch as well, and 186 will contain the name but not the sound of the source preset (185)!!! That's right, it's just gone... Like I said, weird.

The way I figure, while it certainly would be nice to get the Factory 1.1 patches put directly into the next release of the firmware, I'm still concerned for the patches I've created myself.  If I do a firmware update, does it override all of the presets in all 256 slots? Or just the first 128 (or 160 in the future) being used for factory presets? I have preemptively placed all of my work starting in slot 161 from the beginning, knowing that I would want to leave room for the 1.1 patches, so if you guys can tell me more about how the patches are stored and updated, that would be helpful.

Regardless, I'd love to be able to send patches to my synth, and be able to reorder them without the fear of a dimensional vortex  :o. If there's anything else you guys need to know, or if you figure it out, let me know. You rock!



Finally figured out how to use the Korg driver software to clear my midi device registry. It's in the actual uninstaller for their USB MIDI driver software, as an optional thing you can do, which is cool, but didn't fix it. Nothing changed, system and synth still behaving exactly as described above. Still thinking...  :-\
« Last Edit: June 07, 2019, 12:20:01 am by Onyx Corel »


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Re: Problems loading presets
« Reply #4 on: June 16, 2019, 10:42:41 pm »
I can confirm: microfreak won' t receive any single preset or bank from midi control center (Windows 10). Memory protect turned off obviously, both in Midi Control interface and in the MF utility.

It works perfectly in Cubase and Ableton hence probably not a USB/midi/cable issue.
« Last Edit: June 17, 2019, 10:43:05 pm by francoise »


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Re: Problems loading presets
« Reply #5 on: June 26, 2019, 03:10:40 pm »
Greetings from Germany.
I have the same problem, no loading of presets with MCC, sending from microfreak to computer works.
MIDI integration with Ableton is ok. Firmware update works, Memprotect is off, Software is Windows10 64bit.
Only the name of the presets will be sent.
« Last Edit: June 26, 2019, 03:16:04 pm by Lukos »


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Re: Problems loading presets
« Reply #6 on: June 28, 2019, 03:54:51 pm »
Hello guys.

Can you please contact the support team with a precise description of your setup?
We will try to find the culprit of the issue by comparing them, as right now we cannot reproduce the issue.

Best Regards.


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Re: Problems loading presets
« Reply #7 on: July 28, 2019, 07:54:26 pm »
Was there ever any form of resolution to this issue? I'm having the exact same problem...


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Re: Problems loading presets
« Reply #8 on: July 31, 2019, 04:28:43 pm »
I am having this same problem. using MCC and latest firmware on MicroFreak , Mcc does connect with MF shows patches and rev. #, but will not let me drag and drop patches in either direction.
I have a MatrixBrute and MCC works fine with it using same laptop and usb cable.
Using Win 7 laptop (have installed all the updates) reinstalled MCC many times , no help same problem.


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Re: Problems loading presets
« Reply #9 on: July 31, 2019, 11:36:01 pm »
Exactly the issue too on a Windows 7 laptop, it’ll save the preset but won’t load them back properly, the name gets transported over but the actual sound doesn’t. The MCC says it can’t import the meta data?


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Re: Problems loading presets
« Reply #10 on: August 01, 2019, 04:43:44 pm »
After many hours trying to get MCC and MF to talk thru my win 7 laptop, I took my MicroFreak to the other room and installed MCC on my desktop PC win10. After 2 tries when Mcc said MF not connected, it did connect and worked fine. There is a group on Face Book for MicroFreak and some there said win7 worked for them and some were like us and win 7 did not work. I would like it if win 7 did work with MF so I would not have to haul the MF to my computer room (MF is such a big heavy beast to move around  :D ) MY win 7 laptop works fine with MatrixBrute and MCC, go figure


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Re: Problems loading presets
« Reply #11 on: September 05, 2019, 03:30:16 pm »
Hi Arturia Team and all,

Same problem here, no sending from MCC to MF. Only names of presets appear on MF, but are INITs. Sending from MF to computer works.
Latest version MCC , latest rev on MF, memprotect is off, software is Windows10 64bit. USB cable works fine with other synth plus editor on same PC. Used with and without external power supply, no difference.
MCC says it can’t import the meta data.
So this is a major problem as more are reporting this which needs be solved asap, dear Arturia Team.
« Last Edit: September 05, 2019, 03:40:44 pm by Ron »


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Re: Problems loading presets
« Reply #12 on: September 26, 2019, 10:16:41 am »

Sorry to read that.

Can you please confirm that when sending / receiving preset:

- The MicroFreak sequencer is not running
- No other device is sending a clock to the MicroFreak
- Your DAW is not sending a clock or MIDI messages to the MicroFreak

Can you please try again from another computer with a factory bank. (to make sure your current bank is not corrupted)

Looking forward to hearing from you

Musically Yours


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Re: Problems loading presets
« Reply #13 on: October 22, 2019, 12:07:09 pm »
Still unsolved problem !
Since my post of September 5 and mailing to/from with Arturia helpdesk many times this problem is still not solved !
Even with all instructions given by Arturia and testing and even a beta version of MCC, problem remains same. Last words of Helpdesk are that Dev team is working on it.
Very disappointing experience sofar with otherwise excellent piece of kit.


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Re: Problems loading presets
« Reply #14 on: October 28, 2019, 03:47:09 pm »
Hey Onyx.

Sorry for the time it takes.

We potentially have a fix for two issues with the preset transfer.

- The first fix prevents the clock messages to mess the transfers (This one is already validated)

- The second fix is the one you are waiting for. This version is being tested.
Once the test team has validated this version, I can eventually try to send it here so you can have a try and confirm if it resolves your issue. (As on our side, we haven't been able to reproduce this bug...)

Léo will keep you updated.

Best regards



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