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Author Topic: Comments not changed in CONCERT presets.  (Read 1450 times)


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Comments not changed in CONCERT presets.
« on: May 05, 2019, 11:38:57 pm »
Selecting the "Piano Grand" preset, the comments state: "German grand piano, that recreates an intimate piano sound. Change the Reverb Dry/Wet to get the feeling of having the piano in a room."
Now, selecting the "Piano Upright" or "Stage 73 EP" etc, the comments remain and aren't cleared.  I don't think a Stage 73 EP is anything close to a German grand piano.
Actually, selecting an "Arp & Lead" shows it's comments but, selecting any of the Piano & Keys always shows a German grand piano.
Any preset in "Song 3 - Analog dreams" returns the same comments for the CS80 Pad, even the Modular Seq preset.  The same occurs for Song 4 selections.


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