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Arturia Forums

Author Topic: KeyLab 88 - MIDI seems to work but no sound. Other MIDI keyboards work...  (Read 6840 times)


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I've recently upgraded Analog Lab 3 to 4, now I have no sounds.

Midi Control Center detects inbound MIDI key presses from the KeyLab 88. Sounds work with the virtual keyboard in Analog Lab.

Other MIDI keyboards (Aka MPK mini) is recognized by Analog Lab and triggers sounds correctly.

Can't figure out what's happening here but the keyboard is effectively useless as it is.



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Have you changed the midi channel of your KL88 to something other than 1? This might be why other controllers like your MPK work with it, because by default they will transmit on midi channel 1. Do a hardware reset on the controller by holding down the octave ± buttons while you switch it on. Warning: this will clear all customisations.

Also check obvious things eg the KL88 is selected as the midi input device in AL4.
2022 Apple Studio Max 32/32/2TB Monterey • V Collection 9 • Analog Lab 4 + 5 • KeyLab 88 • KeyStep


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