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Author Topic: Keylab controller MIDI-compatible with vintage sound module?  (Read 666 times)


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Keylab controller MIDI-compatible with vintage sound module?
« on: March 09, 2019, 07:14:02 pm »
Hi folks,
Recently I bought an old sound Yamaha TG-500 sound generator. When the TG is connected to my macbook with a midi interface and the keylab is connected to the macbook with its usb plug, I can play presets without a problem. However, problems begin when I try to find out how to use the keylab’s sliders and knobs for controlling things like ADSR, cutoff, resonance etc.
I’ve tried several things in the midi control center, but I just can’t manage to assign any of these parameters. I’m sure there are others who use a controller in combination with a sound module, so I’d like to know how I can get this to work right.
I’m using Logic Pro X and when using Arturia’s plug-in synths I can easily assign functions to any knobs and sliders. I wish it were just as easy with the TG-500. However, when I look at controllers known within Logic, there is nothing by Arturia.
« Last Edit: March 12, 2019, 09:47:08 pm by Amalgamoth »


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Re: Keylab controller MIDI-compatible with vintage sound module?
« Reply #1 on: March 14, 2019, 12:49:24 pm »
Have you tried connecting the Yamaha to the KeyLab directly with midi cables? If it works as expected while connected directly, you then know that the issue is Logic forwarding the controls from you KeyLab through to the Yamaha. You can't really diagnose what the problem is until you remove some of the variables.
2022 Apple Studio Max 32/32/2TB Monterey • V Collection 9 • Analog Lab 4 + 5 • KeyLab 88 • KeyStep


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Re: Keylab controller MIDI-compatible with vintage sound module?
« Reply #2 on: March 17, 2019, 01:25:02 pm »
When I connect my Keylab directly to the tone generator with MIDI in/out cables I only get a limited number of responses, and the parameters do not match. Like, Cutoff (CC93) gives slight vibrato, both Resonance and Param1 (CC71 & CC18) slightly increase tone clarity (Cutoff?), Chorus Amount (CC93) gives pitch+ in steps, while the pitch wheel is the only control that does what it should.
None of the ADSR faders respond.
What’s more is that only after a couple minutes the Keylab freezes and does nothing at all. The LCD screen remains lit, even when power is turned off (it’s powered by my Macbook).

My conclusion is that a MIDI interface is essential in order to establish proper communication between these two units. The Keylab doesn’t freeze when it’s connected to the Macbook and the TG is connected to the Macbook via a MIDI interface (in my case an iRig2).


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Re: Keylab controller MIDI-compatible with vintage sound module?
« Reply #3 on: September 11, 2019, 11:59:01 pm »
Just getting into this forum. I'm sure you've seen this but on the off chance you haven't:
the original MIDI implementation


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Re: Keylab controller MIDI-compatible with vintage sound module?
« Reply #4 on: September 14, 2019, 03:58:33 pm »
Most of the old Yamaha gear relied on sysex to control parameters from outside. There were a limited number of midi controls able to be assigned to parameters. It was not nearly as flexible back then.

As previously stated the MIDI implementation is the key to where things can and are going. You may have to run through Midi Ox, catch the midi message and convert it to the proper sysex code to control some things.

Yamaha made great gear, but it wasn't very programmer friendly. Of course other than modular gear a lot of the gear from the vintage age was hard to get into.



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