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Author Topic: DEVICE NOT CONNECTED  (Read 21450 times)


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« Reply #15 on: February 19, 2022, 09:31:28 pm »
I'm having the same issue, which started a week ago.
Basically my BSP was working perfectly and then overnight it stopped connecting to the computer (MacBook pro). Before that I was using it without problems with Max/MSP, but now it won't show anywhere on my computer, not in Max, MCC, Audio MIDI setup and neither in the system report.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you!


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« Reply #16 on: May 31, 2022, 10:07:34 pm »
Same issue for me.  Is it related to my inability to register the device?    I bought my BSP secondhand on ebay.   I noticed people on this thread had bought theirs second hand.   Wondering if its related.


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« Reply #17 on: July 07, 2022, 01:56:17 am »
I'm having the same issue, which started a week ago.
Basically my BSP was working perfectly and then overnight it stopped connecting to the computer (MacBook pro). Before that I was using it without problems with Max/MSP, but now it won't show anywhere on my computer, not in Max, MCC, Audio MIDI setup and neither in the system report.

Same here. Gonna contact the support.
My MacbookPro 16 2019, OSX 12.4 does not recognize the damn thing. Cubase, Logic, Ableton, it's not on the device list.
Apple probably changed something that broke something with the usb recognition....


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« Reply #18 on: November 08, 2022, 01:57:49 am »
Same issue here just as described. Haven't done any updates on the mac so that shouldn't be the cause. No changes at all to my system. It just stopped being recognized

Brian Jared

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« Reply #19 on: November 27, 2022, 07:28:02 pm »
I just ran into this issue with my MatrixBrute, and just for kicks, I thought I'd see if my MicroFreak would connect using the that USB cable, and it did.  It saw there was a newer firmware, and MIDI Control Center (MCC) just crashed without updating.  (I'm running Windows 10 64-bit).  So, I did the following:

1. Unplug Arturia device(s)
2. Add/Remove Programs -- Remove the Arturia MIDI Driver
3. Add/Remove Programs -- Uninstall MIDI Control Center
4. Reboot Windows 10
5. Download MCC and install it.
    a. Be sure both the software and the driver are checked when prompted, so both install.
6. Thought about rebooting, but knew that shouldn't be necessary, so didn't.
7. Launched MCC, and connected MicroFreak to USB.
    a. MCC seems to hang while it's getting the info from the MicroFreak, so be patient.
8. Successfully upgraded MicroFreak's firmware.
9. Unplugged MicroFreak, and plugged in the MatrixBrute, and turned it on.
10. MCC brings up "Checking Connection..." eventually hangs and says, "Not Responding"
11. Forced the process to end, but still showing in Task Manager -- unkillable.
12. Turned off other USB devices ... a Teensy controller I built, a Conductive Labs MRCC, Tascam 24 ... etc.
13. Reboot Windows 10
14. Launch MCC and try to upgrade again.  This time I hear the MatrixBrute disconnect and reconnect,
15. Eventually fails the upgrade, and now stuck in BootLoader mode.
16. Try current, matching firmware file.  (Still in BooLoader mode). Fails.
17. Try flashing ... Fails.
18. For grins, try another USB Port, then try latest firmware. WORKED!
19. A couple prompts to reboot the MatrixBrute, then press "OK" ... then after last reboot, "Device not connected".
20. Reboot MatrixBrute again, keeping USB cable connected ... Nothing.  No Windows 10 disconnection/connection sounds.
21. Unplug USB cable from back of machine, and plug into previous USB port that didn't seem to work... Nothing.
22. Turn off MatrixBrute (keep USB cable connected)
23. Reboot Windows 10
24. Launch MCC
25. Turn on MatrixBrute, and MCC sees it.
26. Confirmed, on latest revision, transferred presets ... and now I can move on with my life.

So ... I wish I could say what part of that was the magic, but persistence seems to be the key.

I wish it wasn't like this, but I hope my experience helps others who are just as frustrated as I was. I'm also glad I've documented this here, because I'm sure I'll need these notes again myself.


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« Reply #20 on: April 13, 2023, 05:21:11 am »
The original cord AND the Y spliter did NOT pick-up the device. I tried multiple cords in my house as well. Reset lots of things...

Things I tried that didn't work:
- uninstalling and reinstalling mcc and arturia stuff
- restarting computer
- restarting BSP
- trying several computers and operating systems Mac/PC

What did work
- using an elektron cable
(I tried MANY micro usb cables but none of them worked for recognizing the device other than the elektron cord)

ELEKTRON CORD - Hi-Speed USB 2.0 Micro B

*I wanted to reply in case anyone else doesn't want to spend their entire day rebooting things... Not quite sure why the OG cables don't work. (eye roll) I bought my BSP brand new and I've barely used it, I was surprised to have any issues with connectivity. Wishing all future people good luck!


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