February 16, 2025, 01:21:41 pm
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Arturia Forums

Author Topic: Questions regarding Arturia Keystep and Microbrute SE sequencing with Ipad.  (Read 3598 times)


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I'm currently in the process of selling my Microbrute Se since I dont have much use for it. The one feature I do really like for the MB is the simple record and play sequencer, ie play a few notes in record and it'll play it back to you exactly how you played it, with the ability to adjust the bpm and tempo etc. And the ability to save up to 8 of those samples you just created at any given time.

From looking at other videos it seems the Keystep would have the same capabilities. Is this correct? I'd be using the KS as a midi controller for other synths, drum machines, and most importantly, synths on my Ipad.

Which leads me to my Ipad -KS question: With the KS, would i be able to midi-control synths through my Ipad such as the Moog Model D synth via the app? I.e. play a few a notes on record and have them sequence for me? This would also be beneficial for me when using garageband.

For now I can connect my MB to my ipad via camera connecter kit, and play Garageband synth notes with the MB external keyboard, but there's no ability to actually record the sequence and playback while I handle other external instruments. This is something I hope the KS can do! Thanks for your help in advance!

TL/DR: does the Keystep have the ability to easily record and sequence synth apps on the Ipad such as Moog Model D and the garage band standard instruments?


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