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Author Topic: Workflow suggestion for create new sound  (Read 2134 times)


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Workflow suggestion for create new sound
« on: December 22, 2018, 10:48:01 am »
I'm an enthusiast (and very noob) user of this fantastic synth, but I have a question for someone that is more experienced than me.

What is the best workflow for creating new sounds from scratch? I advise tha every change I made (for now, I'm using only analog engine) makes dramatic change at my sound. I.E. if I want, for example, create a punchy bass sound, is better to follow the chain on Pigments' screen:

Generators --> Filters --> Envelope --> Effects --> other stuff

or to follow another workflow logic?

Thank you for all suggestions you can made (and sorry for my poor English)!


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Re: Workflow suggestion for create new sound
« Reply #1 on: December 22, 2018, 12:52:31 pm »
I'm an enthusiast (and very noob) user of this fantastic synth, but I have a question for someone that is more experienced than me.

What is the best workflow for creating new sounds from scratch? I advise tha every change I made (for now, I'm using only analog engine) makes dramatic change at my sound. I.E. if I want, for example, create a punchy bass sound, is better to follow the chain on Pigments' screen:

Generators --> Filters --> Envelope --> Effects --> other stuff

or to follow another workflow logic?

Thank you for all suggestions you can made (and sorry for my poor English)!

Thats a BIG question! I will try to answer simply :)

There is no right or wrong way to start making sounds in my opinion. Experimenting can lead to fantastic outcomes you never even thought of. Thats the beauty of synthesis and the method Arturia have chosen to implement it in Pigments. Having said that, I usually start with a default patch and play with the synth engine waveforms until I find an interesting timbre. I am constantly wriggling knobs to see how it affects the synth engine to see how modulation could affect them.I then work on the envelope to set the overall character of the amplitude. Next are the filters and then modulation. I usually only add effects at the last stage. But of course, all this totally flexible so I can find myself tweaking the synth engines after the effects are added. More often than not, its difficult to know when to stop as the possibilities multiply. I have to be strict with myself and 'finish' a patch at some point. If you are setting out to create a certain type of patch - say a bass or strings, you need to keep the characteristics of those sounds in the back of your mind while creating. But try not to be limited by preconceived ideas of what a good bass patch should sound like. If you do, you may miss out on some exciting and unexpected sonic surprises! Everyone has a different workflow. Play with Pigments, get to understand how it works and have fun.


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Re: Workflow suggestion for create new sound
« Reply #2 on: January 12, 2019, 10:00:20 am »
For a beginner I think a good start is to first check the factory library for sounds you like and then check out how they were made.

Nexts step is to choose such a preset, you like, and play around with the different controls and to try to edit a given patch to something you like more.

I think this approach is much easier, than to completely start from scratch with the Default preset.
Greetings from Germany


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